Back The Oswights


The Oswights are the divine powers - the abstract powers invisible to the eye but known by the effects they produce.

Some of the Oswights are:

THUNNER who breaks through resistance and the enclosures of giants to free the waters which are the resources of life that we may have have a place in which to live.

FRIGGER who is the deity of Love and Care.

INGFREY who is the good lord who supports the general prosperity.

MITRER who is the being who binds (MI) us one to another. Mitrer is the deity of Friendship and Association and of Civilization.

SIBBER is the being who creates bonds of siblinghood (brotherhood and sisterhood) thus binding us into a family.

WODDER is the stimulating power - the father of all . In contrast to TIEW , WODDER is amoral and the stimulation may have good or bad effects.

BUDDER is the divine being who wakes (BUD) us from the dream we imagine to be the real world so that we see a true likeness of the essential reality (BEDOM).

BALDER is the being who purifies our minds and hearts that they engage most fully in the service of the whole undistorted by selfish impulses.

HODDER is the being who makes warriors of us that we can defeat those who harm us. Hodder is focussed on his immediate surroundings and is blind to the wider context. Thus Hodder may easily be turned to bad purpose unless guided by a right-seeing being such as Balder.

(as at December 4013 HE)
