
Behind all:

Grund is the ground of being, the substrate of existence, that which contains everything.

Worshipping the Godly Threesome:

The Rightlord struggles for good order. He is the most dedicated of all to bring the world into a state of Good Order - where everything relates happily to everything else. The Rightlord is also known as Wizder - the power of Wisdom - and Tiew - the divine power.

The Redelord is the power which guides and transforms us so that we become attuned and adapted to reality in our mind and our will. The Redelord can be imagined as a threesome which are Woden who stimulates us to greater understanding and active zeal, Freya who crafts our emotions and energies and Balder who purifies the mind and soul.

The Great Norn is the power which produces the world. The Great Norn is also called Wyrdmaker.



which is

Wisdom Almighty

the cosmic wisdom
the source of creation
the divine lord of all

Venerating the Living Fire - the flames of life which must be continually tended lest they go out, the flames for which good food must be provided, and from which harmful influences must be excluded

Good Mind! Good Deeds!

Venerating the Oslords - the divine powers - including:

Thunner supports the small against the big. He is always ready to lend the ordinary man a hand. He gets on with the practical activities of everyday life. When the Giants oppress he struggles to diminish them.

Frigger loves and feeds us. She is a mother to us and provides for our daily needs unconditionally.

Frey - is the benevolent lord - the one who tends the garden of the world. Frey assists each to prosper and to play their part in the whole.

... and attending to the many other Wights natural and supernatural
