Twelve Heathen Virtues

Truth - Be honest and straightforward in all your dealings. Avoid deceit and deception.

Industriousness - Be productively engaged in life. Avoid laziness. Strive to accomplish good things.

Justice - Let equity and fairness be your hallmark. Treat others in accordance with what they deserve, and give each person a chance to show his or her best.

Courage - Fear is natural, but it can be overcome. Train yourself to do the things you fear, both physically and morally.

Generosity - An open hand and an open heart bring happiness to you and to others. The miserly are never happy.

Hospitality - In ancient times, travellers were greeted with food, drink, and a warm place by the fire. See that your guests never want.

Moderation - Enjoy all good things, but do not overindulge. No one admires a glutton or a person who cannot control his or her appetites.

Community - Cooperate with kin and friends, do your fair share, and remember your responsibilities to others. Consider what is good for the whole.

Self-Reliance - Whether as individual or group look to your own resources to provide for your needs and achieve your goals.

Steadfastness - Learn to persist, to endure in the face of adversity without discouragement. Do not be blown about by every changing wind.

Loyalty - Be steadfast in your commitment to others and to yourself. Have a true heart.

Wisdom - Learn from your experiences. Grow in the understanding of the world, and of the human heart. Comprehend as much of the universe as you can in the years available to you.