Back Some Wights


Wights are one of the major themes of Anglotiewism. A wight is a being , a something that exists in the world, apparently organised and active, transforming what is in its reach from one form to another.

Creature-Wights are ordinary living creatures, a complex of mind and body.
Man-Wights are human beings.

Nature-Wights are processes of the environment which may include the actions of creatures but with no central organising mind.

Place-Wights are wights associated with a particular place. Usually they are the processes that keep that place being the kind of place it is. Traditionally distinguished between House-Wights and Land-Wights.

Social-Wights are processes that guide the association of creatures, so that they are open to each others mental contents, and can act in co-ordination with each other.

Personality-Wights are forms of human personality, of character and memory, which manifest across more than a single person. God-wights are wights that are worshipped. Seemingly god-wights are close to personality-wights. Worshipping a personality-wight makes it more likely that you will imitate that personality and thus that the personality-wight becomes active within you.

Provider-Wights provide the material necessities of life.

Reporter-Wights transfer information about what is happening in one place to other places.

Speller-Wights are communicators, actors, poets, story-tellers, teachers, propagandists etc. They use their ability (e.g. through the use of their body, their speech etc) to affect the SIGHT of others in a calculated way to produce an effect.

Money-Wights manage the perception that persons have that they can make demands on others for transformations of value, or that they are beholden to make transformations of value for others.

Strong-Wights are able to make physical changes in the world against possible opposition.

Governor-Wights seek to manage the activities of all the relevant wights in a place so as to produce a desired overall effect.

Governor-Regulator-Wights seek to keep the nature of a place or of a society the same.

Governor-Transformer-Wights seek a wholesale change of the nature of a place or of a society into something different.

The World Giant is the whole regulating process of the world - which can be called the Demiurge ("People-Craftsman")

July 4006
