Welcome to Angloheathen

We are trying to create a new religion for the native people of England.

We have looked at the pagan religion that the English followed before the coming of Christianity along with Christianity itself and the ancient Persian religion which Christianity drew from.

We are trying to create a good synthesis of these various traditions. The Angloheathenry described on this blog represents the latest stage of this ongoing project.

Some will ask why the English need a religion at all. The answer is that a religion is the best cultural tool that a community has to shape its members' behaviour. And the English need to change their behaviour because at this time in history life is getting rapidly worse for the English and in fact much of the world.

Religion can be an influence for good or bad. We can't say that Angloheathenry as described here contains all the answers but we think it might provide a good starting point for a new beginning.

September 4013 HE / 2013 CE