Angloheathenry is an attempt to create a new form of English culture to help us live our lives in the modern day.

Angloheathens are interested in the Anglo-Saxon period of English history with its mix of pagan and christian religion and its more decentralised village life.

Angloheathens seek to worship what is important for the good life. They strive to come together in fellowships known as guilds or kindreds for common worship and practical activities.

Angloheathen wizards study Zoroastrian philosophy and aim to be wise guides to the rest of the Angloheathen community.

Angloheathens divide into Heathen and Chrestian tendencies. Heathens place value on developing the health and strength of their own person, family and community whereas Chrestians seek the well-being of all without selfish preference.

Angloheathens recognise the HIGH GODS:

GRUND is the ground of being, the space-time continuum, the ultimate source of existence.

TIEW WIZDER is the the lord of Creation and Good Order. Wizder is the power of wisdom at work in the world.

WODEN is the being which transforms us so that we are better able to negotiate the world. BALDER is the most righteous son of Woden. Balder is Chrestifer - the Christ-bringer - the lord of the good mind and righteous action. Balder has three attendants: Zarathustra, Socrates and Jesus.

Angloheathens also recognise other gods such as Freya, Thunor and Frigga along with other deities and wights.

Angloheathens revere ALFRED THE WISE, Lady Elswith and other saints and heroes.

Angloheathens give importance to RUNES which are the secret components of existence. We use two main Runesets. These are the 24-element NORDIC RUNES - mainly used for religious purposes - and our own SOPHIC RUNES which are a more precise philosophical tool.

Angloheathens give importance to PARABLES and MYTHS. These are stories which when recounted help train our minds so that we are better equiped to understand the world.

Angloheathens give importance to developing GOOD ETHICS. These are practices we value because they lead to the better life.