Is religion relevant (to the Green movement)?

Maybe the important thing is what a person's values are. Religion can help inculcate good values but not necessarily.

Also important is a person's world-view - how they put things into categories and how they see things in different categories relating to each other.

To start with what matters is Good Relationships. Good relationships between people. Good relationships between people's view of the world and actual reality. Good relationships between people and animals, people and the environment, present people and future people, people and tribe or nation.

Secondly I imagine that there are beings in the world other than the individual living beings which are immediately visible to us. These beings may stand for the giant processes and activities of the world such as ecological systems, economic systems, monetary systems, systems of government, tribes and nations, business corporations etc. These giants are dynamic active beings which are interacting with each other and with individual living beings. As a Heathen I take these giants more seriously than those with a materialistic of individualistic outlook. I understand that I can interact with the giants and influence them but to do this effectively I need to understand the nature of the beast.

Tiew is the English God of Good Order - I strive to serve Tiew put the world into Good Order so that life can flourish and there is a maximum of happiness and a minimum of suffering. Good Order is about having Good Relationships between processes and beings. This includes people seeing the consequences of their actions so that they can change their actions to produce the best effect. For this reason among others Angloheathens support economic decentralisation along the same lines as distributists. But whereas distributists rely on a central authority to do the distributing, Heathens work to gain the necessities of life from the grassroots up.

Thunner (or Thor) is the power which struggles against the greatening giants - who are gobbling up all the resources needed for life - to create space for the Small to flourish. Frigger is the power which brings Love which creates solidarity between members of a community and leads to mutual care and support. Frey is the power which creates prosperity by providing for individuals while paying attention to the needs of the whole.