
Zoroastrianism traces its origin back to the common pagan culture of Europe. Into this culture was born Zarathustra an enlightened philosopher and teacher who planted the seed of thought that has lead to our modern-day civilisation.

Yet today the religious culture of our society has decayed and is no longer serving its purpose of guiding good behaviour and promoting the life-supporting order.

European Zoroastrians hope to help rejuvenate the religious culture of the western world by re-awakening its memory of its cultural origins and promoting good cultural forms of wisdom, wisdom-seeking, ethics and worship relevant to its needs.

Zoromithraism is the name we are giving to an embryonic new religion inspired by Zoroastrianism.

Zoromithrites work for the Best Order (Artista) of the world such that life flourishes (Spenty) and living beings are happy (Ushta). They believe in the natural law - that the law of right-joining of things (Artalogos) is derived from the innate nature of the things themselves and not from the arbitrary command of any being. They work for Best-Order by developing their Good Mind (Humanah) so that they can understand the Whole (Holos) in all its intricacy and interconnection and have the ability and motivation to take the best action (Eudrama) accordingly.

Zurvan : Mazda : Mithra

Ground of Being : Cosmic Lord of Order : Personal guide to righteousness

Spentifer : Mazda : Harverty : Spenty

Life Bringer : Cosmic Wisdom : Wholeness : Flourishing

Humanah : Eudrama : Eutaxis : Hukasatra!

Good Mind : Good Deeds : Good Constitution : Good Rule!

Zoromithraism is for those disillusioned with mainstream religion and looking for a new philosophical or religious identity that they might embrace wholeheartedly.

orig Mithratiewist