Angeloi Tropikoi ("Angels of paths")

Tropoi are paths that we can take. They can be described as ways of doing things, or ways of approaching life. Variations in human character or personalities are also forms of tropoi.

Ideal tropoi are divine personalities or partial manifestations of the Pleroma - the fullness or powers - of Auramazda. Ideal Tropoi are paths that Auramazda can take. So tropoi can be ideal forms of personality - including human personality.

Ideal tropoi are ways that Auramazda can act, but not all tropoi are equally good. Following them can have negative consequences.

Each ideal tropus has an Angel or appearance which tells us the nature of the tropus - an Angelus Tropikus

Angelic Heptad

Chrestomazdeans focus on seven angeloi tropikoi which are particularly important: These are: Sarus, Anhita, Mithras, Vatis, Percus, Friya and Faber.


Sarus is the divine Listener. He listens to the nature and needs of individual beings and responds accordingly. He is also called the Obedient, because he obeys the requirements of the situation as he hears it and not any separate personal will.

Sarus is the divine personality that desires to be of service to individual people. He is concerned to uphold the dignity of all, and is willing to sacrifice himself so that others can escape the full consequences of their actions. Sarus pays attention to individuals one at a time and seeks to save them from their sins.

Sarus is a teacher to us. Because of his empathy and knowledge of all beings and desire to help them he is a worthy teacher of morality.

Sarus is like a monk who serves the individuals he comes across.

Sarus the Listener. Sarus is a sensitive character and easily sees himself in the place of others. He feels the experience of each individual soul and desires that the best thing happens to them for their development and happiness. Compared to Mithras we consider that Sarus pays less attention to the holistic situation or overall picture but has greater involvement with the needs of the individuals before him.


Anhita is the divine mother personality. She produces the processes that give birth to life and nurture and protect it. We see her acting as 'Mother Nature' and also acting through the human parent.

Anhita has a love of life and seeks to provide conditions for the best growing, protecting and healing of others. She is sometimes called Anhita the Pure as everything that comes from her is perfectly pure and good.

Anhita is like the mother who gives her pure love in care for her children.

Anhita the Mother. Anhita provides what is needed for the incipient and developing life to grow happily into a productive being who can shoulder the tasks of an adult existence. Anhita cares about her nurselings and cares for them. She provides a womb or shelter adapted to the needs of the dependent individual and protected from the harshness of the uncaring world outside. Anhita is known especially as a nurturer and protector and as a guardian of the purity of the conditions in which life grows.

Anhita is motivated by love of life and seeks to nurture, protect and heal.


Mithras is the divine personality that desires good order. He is the power that connects people to each other in the right way and produces the good social order.

Mithras takes a holistic view of the world and human society and seeks to bring it into good order. Mithras is regarded as the righteous leader, crown prince or king.

Mithras is like a prince who considers the whole picture and seeks to create the good order that underlies the flourishing of life.

Mithras the Righteous Leader. Mithras has a strong desire for righteous order. He is a leader of society and a governor of the relationships between people. He is trusted to seek the common good of all and to see justice done. He upholds the social bonds that create the productive community and encourages the mutual flourishing.

Mithras is a champion of social order. Sarus attends to the needs of individuals regardless of other considerations. Mithras however is concerned for the whole picture. He is concerned for the good relations between people and that their mutual interaction should produce a happy result.


Percus is an angel of self-assertion. He gets angry when he is not treated with respect and will strike out at those who are abusing him.


Friya is the angel of love and desire. Like Percus she has a wild heart and represents the basic desires and drives that animate life.


Faber is the angel of manufacture. He is the maker-personality. He is the craftsman who crafts the material of the world into new designs.


Vatis is a personality of heightened energy who can rise above existing patterns and create new ones. He has especial sensitivity and ability to see the underlying workings of things. He is the seer , the priest and healer. He is the bringer of music and dance.

Vatis can use his power to break through obstacles or structures that restrict the best flourishing of life.

Vatis is the eccentric and energetic one who thinks new thoughts and creates new structures.

Vatis the Overcomer. Vatis has a high-energy personality. He is good at overcomings the mental channels of habitual thinking and creating new thought patterns. Fixed structures that regulate the flowing of life become liquid under his attention and he can shape new structures better suited to the needs of the world's souls.

Vatis is an angel of disruptive force. He pushes at the world, creating change, upsetting existing patterns and breaking through barriers. He can act for good, being an agent of challenge that stimulates life to grow, and dissolving structures that restrict or do harm. He can also act for bad, undermining good patterns and bringing death.

We believe that all the Angeloi are needed to work together as joint saviours. They all work to the same ends but they have a different approach. Each tugs at the other to keep their joint work on the straight path. Sarus insists that the task of maintaining social order doesn't become an end in itself in disregard of its actual impact on individual human lives. Mithras insists that the common good is attended to and not overturned by the needs of a few privileged individuals. Anhita especially attends to the needs of the growing young. Vatis is critical to achieving new ways of doing things but needs to be kept in check by Sarus and the other Angeloi to keep him on the righteous path.

Demonic Angeloi

Azidus is a angel of desire. He is inspired by an unbridled lust for power (and often other delights as well). He has an anguinic character lacking usual human emotions and empathy for others. He is obsequious to those above him in the power-chain, but cold-heartedly manipulates those who can be instruments of his success and ruthlessly eliminates his rivals. He shares something with Faber who he may employ to help him in his work. He is a spiritual opposite to Sarus and Mithras' main rival for control of the social order. (NB Azidus can be categorized both as Tropoi and Kakoi)

Lucifer is the revealer of knowledge of cause and effect without revealing what is good and bad. Lucifer encourages a dispassionate, cold-hearted view of the world. Lucifer is useful to the technologist and the technocrat, but considered a dangerous being by Christians. Lucifer's cold-heartedness makes him a sympathetic ally of Azidus the cold-hearted lustful one.
Updated November 4022 ME