Runes - More

From August 2021:

Human Attributes

This is an experimental scheme to help us understand human behaviour. Here we understand people as 'human holons' having seven attributes.

1. Noia is a person's way of thinking. It is the most important factor in how they choose to act.

Closely related to Noia and here considered a part of it is a person's Daena or way of seeing. It is their world-view, their beliefs and values. It is that part of their seeing of the world which most affects what they are motivated to do. Metanoia is a change in a person's thinking, especially a dramatic one from one set of beliefs and values to another.

2. Potentia is a person's potency or capability. It is what they could potentially do if the need arises. It is affected by their emotional strengths, their intellectual understanding, their physical abilities as well as the connections they have with others.

3. Hexis is a person's character and habits. It is the way they typically act in life and how they typically react to what happens around them.

4. Situs is a person's situation - particularly as they imagine it to be.

5. Agita are a person's drives and emotions. It is the energies within them that seek expression in action. Their agita arise from a combination of factors. This includes their basic human nature, their past experiences and the situation they are currently in.

6. Erga are a person's actions. More specifically we could say they are the work that a person does to transform the world around them. This can be everyday things like baking a cake, doing the washing up or explaining something to somebody. It can also be actions that have a wider social impact.

7. Archeia is a person's influence on other people and their actions. A person with a large archeia is a powerful person. Often this means they can get other people to assist them in doing what they want to do.

From May 2021:

Gaeta is the living process in the world
Urvan Gaetae is the soul of the living world

Tanu are our bodies.
Urvan are our souls - the seat of our emotions and of our unconscious movements and growth.
Manah are our minds - the part of us that makes calculations about the world and decides on the best way to interact with it.

Soulcraft is a conscious practice to shape the situations we face and so the experiences we take from them in order to develop the character of our soul. Most obviously this could be to set up situations where we are challenged to action so that we stretch ourselves and perhaps become more capable in some way, or we get to face our fears and become more courageous.

Mindcraft is the conscious development of the mind. The mind will develop naturally from the situations it encounters in normal life, but a more conscious programme or efforts of some kind can help the process along. Usually this will require that those who are more developed help those who have travelled less far.
From June 2019:

ZARTIRUNA - ("Secret concepts of Zoroaster")

The word LOGOS had various meanings in Greek philosophy. In the modern 'Zartiruna' we distinguish four separate concepts related to the word:

1. HYPOLOGUS - The underlying law, the principles on which the universe works, the scientific law, the law of cause and effect.
2. ARTALOGUS - The righteous law, the moral law, the word of God. The Artalogus is what you need to do to achieve ASHA - the harmonious world order.
3. LOGICA - Reason. Logica is the activity of discovering new facts by a process of reasoning from existing facts or beliefs.
4. DIALOGIA - Discussion, Dialogue. Socrates was famous for his belief that a rigorous process of open discussion was needed to challenge peoples' assumptions and develop better thinking.

The Spentons are divine life-promoting beings and are the main type of Agatha. They are opposed by the Angrons which are life-decreasing beings.