Heathens for Transition

Modern people are facing challenging times. There is concern that many things we take for granted such as a plentiful food supply, plentiful cheap oil and easy access to banking credit may not be available in future. There is concern about the effects of our normal everyday actions in supporting the degradation of our environment, poor living conditions for many humans and animals alike and greater concentration of economic and political power in fewer hands.

Heathens take an interest in the culture of ancient societies. Such societies were usually organised with a greater sense of community and self-reliance than is typically the case today. Heathens try and learn from these cultures in order to lead better lives.

The Transition Town movement is the leading grassroots movement encouraging a move towards a more localized economy and stronger communities.

Some things about the mainstream Transition Movement cause problems - for instance its focus on the issue of climate change and its causes which can be a source of division. "Heathens for Transition" - will be non-dogmatic about all such factual issues.

Our purpose is to work for a transition to a more Heathen society - one made up of lots of small communities controlling their own affairs. Such society will furnish us with a better quality of life and make it easier to take effective ethical action in areas such as animal welfare.

The Credit Crunch is looming large in the minds of some Transitioners. Some experts fear that things are going to keep getting worse economically with food prices going up, interest rates going up, house prices going down, jobs getting scarcer, small businesses finding it harder etc

Heathen Transitioners work to alleviate the effects of the Credit Crunch and possible future economic depression. They can do this by working to build Heathen community fortified by Heathen culture and identity and encouraging people to think about doing more for themselves, learning new skills, growing their own vegetables etc.