Heathen Food Club
"Food & Community"
A Heathen Food Club aims to encourage the growing, exchange, storage, cooking and eating of food independently of the tyrant giants of the food industry. We do this by building organised community which has the desire and ability to do these things for itself.
A Heathen Food Club wishes:
1. To attract members.
2. To encourage its members in awareness of the issues around food.
3. To encourage its members to source food from independent (non-supermarket) providers.
4. To bring its members together to provide opportunity for social intercourse and to encourage and teach each other in the sourcing, storage and cooking of non-supermarket food.
5. To encourage its members to grow their own food where appropriate.
6. To support local farmers and food businesses - especially those with a Heathen attitude (to support other independent businesses, consider the welfare of animals and environment etc).
7. To support local community centres and other institutions which are managed locally and support community.
8. To organise activities which benefit its members whether economic (such as a home-grown food exchange) or non-economic. Also by building community to be a support in the emergence of teams of people setting up community activities independently of the club.
9. To be a model organisation which can be replicated elsewhere.
Don't Feed the Tyrant Giants! (with your money, time or energy)
A Heathen Food Club is a kind of Heathen Club focussed on issues of food and economics. A Heathen Club exists firstly to serve the interests of its members but also to support the building of Heathendom (that part of the world comprised largely of small autonomous communities and businesses who are free and diverse but responsive to the needs of the whole).