A Heathen Life

A Heathen Life is a balanced life - where the different potentials of the human nature have a chance to be expressed - where the different sources of the good order of the world are paid attention to and properly respected - where there is time for the development of the mind, time for the development of relations with others and time for practical work.

A Heathen life is characterised by struggle and enjoyment. Struggle to develop one's capabilities and struggle to bring forth the necessary conditions of a good life. But when the struggling is over then time to enjoy the fruits.

The Heathen's attitude to life is to take responsibility for their own welfare and their impact on others. A Heathen struggles to gain control of the resources necessary to satisfy their needs, and struggles to gain the skills, knowledge and capabilities that will enable them to make good use of these resources and to protect their privacy.

A Heathen knows that many of life's activities can only happen with the co-operation of many in community. They thus pay as much attention the life of their family, clan and tribe as to their individual self.

A Heathen struggles against the power of the Expanding Giants - giant corporations that swallow everything smaller and leave no space for the Heathen to breathe. A Heathen supports other Heathens in sibling fellowship against self-serving and abusive giants regardless of their degree of cultural similarity or family connection to them. A Heathen respects Imperial Authority which is acting with righteousness and appropriate limitation.

Early 2011 CE