Heathenism in Quotes

Struggling for Self-Reliance, Community and Wisdom Freeing ourselves from the grip of the Giants Fostering the autonomous Heathen Tribe

Heathenists want to promote the Heathen life in their local area as part of a wider movement to strengthen local communities and move to a more decentralised economy.

We think the best way for us to do this might be to promote the consumption of Heathen food in particular through Heathen supper evenings.

We are also interested in promoting awareness of Heathen wisdom. This can come in many forms - sometimes decidely modern and atheistic - sometimes more traditional where the boundaries of religion and culture can blur.
A Heathen is a free person, a mature person, a wild person, one who takes responsibility for their own life. In a world which is increasingly dumbed-down, enervated, infantilised and domesticated we need more Heathens.

Heathenism for us means supporting the growth of the small society - the tribal society - where all the processes of life are contained within the small association of people so that they can have a chance of being masters of their own destiny.
Nurturing the Heathenwight - the animating spirit of Heathendom

We believe that there has been a breakdown in community so that the rich variety of social intercourse that people often enjoyed in the past is now much rarer and many people suffer from social deprivation - i.e. they are deprived of the social intercourse needed for their happiness and growth. The lack of organised community also means that people are unable to work together to tackle the problems that beset them but instead suffer individually in powerlessness.

A resilient community is grounded in persons bound by mutual trust so that each feels they can rely on the other to fulfil their part of any community endeavour. A resilient community also needs resources of cultural wisdom so that they are helped to take the appropriate path in any particular circumstance. They need some individuals specially gifted to listen and make sense of their environment. They need a sufficiently shared framework of understanding and habits of activity that they can work together. They need exclusive control of resources which can be used in community activity.
Heathenism is about supporting the right relationships of things one to another so that the world is put into Good Order and life can flourish.