Heathen Social Networking

Should Heathens be using Facebook? Well if we don't go where the people hang out then you won't be able to talk to them and tell them about Heathenism. That is one argument. But for communication within an existing Heathen community we should be reducing our reliance on the corporate giants.

The first step away from giant-dependency is to rent some server space and install our your choice of social networking software on it. There are plenty of open-source packages that could be used some of which aim to mimic Facebook in their operations. Then of course you will need to find a way to encourage people to use it instead of Facebook. This will be much easier where there is already an organised Heathen community which agrees together to come off Facebook for intra-community communication.

The second step away from giant-dependency is to acquire your own server computer with a permanent Internet connection and use it to host the social networking installation.

The third step away from giant-dependency is to set up a network of computers which can communicate directly with each other through peer-to-peer wireless connections without requiring the use of any giant-controlled infrastructure to carry the communications.