Local Heathen Tribe

We wish to create the Local Heathen Tribe - a loose band of people pursuing the Heathen Way together and sharing some common understanding and common practice.

A Local Heathen Tribe would strive to provide for its members all the basic essentials of life out of its own resources.

This could be for all people resident in the area who are inspired by the Heathen way of looking at life and who like the idea of being a part of a wider community of a Tribe.

We think that tribal members should have some sympathy for the ideas promoted by us, be wishing to communicate with other tribal members, and be willing to pay attention to the needs of the tribe as a whole - in particular its good relations with the rest of the local population.

Whereas some commentators might argue that a tribe needs a common religion we think this is impractical in the current context and propose not to require members to identify with any particular religion or any at all. However in place of religion tribal members can be expected to have a sense that they are Heathens, and Local Heathens at that, and work to create a common culture that enables people to work together but is not unnecessarily antagonistic to people's varying backgrounds and independent ways of thinking.

Fostering the Tribe

The process of fostering the tribe might be:

1. Spreading ideas about Heathen Autonomism.

2. People identifying as Heathen encouraged to set up Heathen Bands - associations of Heathens come together for a particular purpose - e.g. Outreach, Food Growing, Communal Meals, Practical Crafts, Music Making, Story Telling, Study, Ritual, Camping etc.

3. For Heathens in the area to communicate with each other - e.g. through Internet forums, tribal publications and in gatherings of various kinds such as festivals.

October 2011 CE