Back    Heathen Autonomism
Heathen Autonomists believe that the good life requires a struggle to gain the resources we need for a good life against others who would take control of them for themselves.

Heathen Autonomists seek to gain strength by coming together in solidarity with others who share a common consciousness and commitment to work for the common good.

Heathen Autonomists emphasize that such Autonomist communities will only achieve their true purpose if they are constructed in line with natural law principles. In particular we think that the most authentic communities are small communities where it is possible for each member to know all the other members.

Heathen Autonomists also emphasize that for a community to pursue its authentic ends it must have integrity in its operation and be free from interference in its operations. Thus we argue for the construction of autonomous community able to provide its own food and necessities of life, be able to develop its own authentic culture and be able to protect itself from physical assault.

Heathen Autonomists believe that the greatest threat to the authentic life is not the actions of other ordinary tribes competing in the normal way but the actions of those with a fanatic dedication to a policy of imperialism over all the tribes of the earth.

Thus Heathen Autonomists emphasize the common interest of all Heathen communities across the planet and wish to develop an ethic of mutual solidarity where each Heathen clan will support the common project of strengthening the global Heathendom as well as seeking to further its own private interests.

Heathen Autonomists consider that religion is important to orientate members of a community so that they understand the world they live in and apply their energies in the best way,

August 2013 CE (amended May 2014 & Oct 2015)