
Zurvanism: Experimental Doctrine (Dec 4007/Amended 4014)

1. There is ONE reality.

2. Reality has potential for intrinsic value. This can be good or bad.

3. Reality has a patterning of forms. This pattern varies over space and time. The nature of this patterning affects the intrinsic value of reality.

4. There is a law of patterns that says that the value of reality is at its highest when forms are joined together in a sympathetic way. This law we call the Arlogos.

5. There are currents of movement within the dynamic flux of patterns. Where these currents of movement are perceived as having some identifiable character then we call them beings or wights.

6. In any situation there is a theoretical current of movement that could arise that would be the best. This current of movement we call Ashura.

7. The complete set of potential patterning of forms that could be embraced by the Ashura we call Mazda, the Great Wisdom.

8. We posit the existence of a wight with a mindlay (mind-character) of Mazda and a movement of Ashura. This wight may be called Ashura Mazda. This wight we recognise as deserving our foremost veneration.

9. The best state of activity of a man-wight or human being is that which is part of the Ashura.

10. Within reality there are sites of freedom of action which can influence the changing of the patterning of forms over time. These sites of freedom exist especially within the conscious mind of a man-wight or human being.

December 4007 ZHE / Updated 4014