


Aramazda the righteous lord of Creation and Good Order. Chrestus is a part of Aramazda. Chrestus is concerned for the welfare of all and is wise and does good.

Mithras the divine leader who guides us and transform us to serve Aramazda better. Mithras struggles for good order. He is the most dedicated of all to bring the world into the state of Artavista - where everything relates happily to everything else. Mithras can be called Chrestifer - the Christ-bringer.

Anhita is a partner to Mithras in the work of bringing people closer to Aramazda. Anhita Sophiana announces the nature of the Cosmic Sophia - the Cosmic Wisdom - which is Mazda. Anhita Flumina brings refreshment and nourishment and washes away the causes of our problems. Anhita Maria shelters us and defends us against harm.

Recognising other divine beings such as:

Zurvan the ground of existence, the space-time fabric, the source of everything.

Sarosh is our personal guide to the nature and state of existence. Sarosh speaks to us all individually but not completely and some hear better than others.

Satan is blind and deaf to the well-being of others, and pursues his own desires regardless.

Geurvan is the whole soul of creation

Atar is the living fire which burns bright with radiant happiness

Mazda is the Wise Being - the cause of all living creation - who is co-substantial with the Ashura

Arlogos is the law of cause and effect and the relationship between things

The Spentic Septet are the Eternal Life-Promoters
  • Artavista - the best relationship between things
  • Humanah - the good mind
  • Spentaman - the life-loving mindspirit, the cause of Humanah
  • Spentarmity - reverence for and service to life
  • Hukasatra - the good rule or good ordering of life activities
  • Harverty - wholeness
  • Amorty - non-dyingness

  • Venerating the Living Fire - the flames of life which must be continually tended lest they go out, the flames for which good food must be provided, and from which harmful influences must be excluded

    Humanah! Eudrama!

    Venerating Saint Cyrus the Great of Persia the world ruler honoured for his humanity. Remembering his beloved wife Queen Cassandane.

    May the angel of the Emperor Cyrus inspire the rulers of the world!
    Good Mind! Good Deeds!

    Venerating the four ancient teachers:

    1. Zarathustra

    2. Socrates

    3. Gautama Buddha

    4. Jesus Chrestus