

February 4011 ZHE , updated April

The Asha Mission seeks to promote forms of religion, philosophy and ways of living to help people cope with changing conditions, improve their quality and life and be a good influence on the wider world.

We have identified two major paradigms for a person's relation to the world which we call the Pagan Paradigm and the Chrestian Paradigm. In the Pagan Paradigm there is a bias to seek out what is of value to our own selves and those immediately around us. In the Chrestian Paradigm there is a bias to seek out on what is of value to what is more remote to us - whether described as the Other or as the Whole.

In the Asha Mission we consider that both these paradigms are valid and necessary, and we promote both of them. However we consider the Pagan Paradigm the more fundamental as it is concerned most directly with survival, while the Chrestian Paradigm is dependent on it. A person cannot be a Chrestian (a 'do-gooder') or anything else unless they actually exist and have strength - and these are the gifts of Pagan activity

February 4011 ZHE, updated June