
Asha Radical Movement

The Asha Radical Movement works to create a better world.

- Asha is a Persian word associated with the Zoroastrian religion which can be translated as Rightness, Truth, Justice, Harmony, Beauty or Good Order. Most fundamentally Asha means the Right Relationship of one thing to another.

- The Asha Radical Movement works to transform the world into a state of Asha so that Needs can be met, Potentials can be realised, Happiness is increased, Suffering is decreased and Life flourishes.

- The ARM believes that the state of the world is the product of the actions (or Drama) of the individual beings who are alive in the world.

- The ARM believes that at any point of time the legacy of past Drama is a strong influence on the current and future course of the world but that individuals have a degree of freedom to act creatively to shift the way things are proceeding. (Such conscious creative action is called Karma)

- The ARM believes that the actions or drama of beings – both individually and in collective association – is largely shaped by their character of mind (Manah) working on the actual situation that they face.Thus the ARM works to influence the development of people’s character of mind.

- The ARM works for Eudrama or Good Actions which are those actions that tend to promote Asha and the flourishing of life (Spenta).

- The ARM works for Humanah or Good Mind which is such a Mind that tends to wish to take Eudrama or Good Actions.

- The ARM works for Right Diversity – which is the best amount of diversity of forms of life . This includes forms of non-human life, and cultural forms of human life.

- The ARM works for Right Distribution – which is the best distribution of the means of life. These include the means of physical life such as air, water, food and physical privacy. These also include all the different conditions for a full life, such as access to resources of all kinds and freedom to make use of those resources the best one can. It includes the ability to associate and communicate with others and shape the pattern of collective life.

- The ARM works for Right Governing – which is the best governing of the world. This may be by influencing the way power is distributed so that it comes into the hands of those who will govern well. It may be by influencing the way that those who currently have power govern so that they govern better.

- The ARM gives primary importance to the distinction between what is Good or Bad – Life-Promoting or Life-Decreasing.

- The ARM doesn’t support ideologies that give primary importance to distinctions between categories of persons such as by race, culture, religion, class or behaviour.

- The ARM recognises the Planet Earth as the primary territorial space to which it attends.

July 4011 ZHE / July 2011 CE

Four paths of activity:

1. Bring into being a movement of people to be the primary agency of the ARM. This movement to be made up of people individually committed to working for an Asha state of existence, who are globally conscious and whose character of mind and wisdom is such that they take the best actions they can and whose relationship among themselves and to the wider world is a good one.

2. Support the strength of Global Democracy. For us this term refers to the movement which links the needs, desires and well-being of the beings of the world to actions of governance. The Global Democracy needs to involve a very large number of people but we don’t think it need or should involve every person. Not every person can or should spend the time or develop the ability needed to be an effective global political citizen. For us Global Democracy is not a particular kind of political constitution and Global Democracy can co-exist with multiple kinds of constitution including but not limited to a Global Republic and a Global Monarchy.

3. Support locally minded movements which seek to build strength from the grassroots for their own autonomous action without becoming desirous of using that strength to attack their neighbours.

4. To avoid a head on confrontation with those currently exercising the most power in the world. What matters to us is not who is governing but with how well they govern. Whoever has the greatest power, even if they are not currently governing well, we will work with them and encourage them to govern better.