

The Divine Source:

Brammer is the divine promoting being or creative power.

Mazda is the divine Wisdom .

The Ashura is the divine Lord .

Brammer, Mazda and the Ashura are co-substantial or co-existential. They always exist together.

The three major persons of the Ashura:

Vayu stimulates us. He brings challenge and helps us grow in wisdom and strength

Anhita births us and feeds us. She is a mother to us and provides for our daily needs unconditionally. She provides what is needed to make us whole and at peace.

Mithras struggles for good order. He is the most dedicated of all to bring the world into the state of Artavista - where everything relates happily to everything else.

Other possible deities:

Chrestus the Good is the power of good action flowing through human beings.

Satan is blind and deaf to the well-being of others, and pursues his own desires regardless.

Sarosh the Listener reveals to us the state of things. Sarosh appears to us as our inner voice which speaks the truth.

4011 HE / updated 4012
