

Lux is the the light of understanding. (Not to be confused with Ushta - the spiritual light or 'radiant happiness')

Sophistry or Sufism is a conscious practice which helps bring Lux to a person so that true reality becomes visible to them.

Gnosis is a state of attunement to the truth of reality.

An Illuminatus is an Enlightened Person - a person who has achieved Gnosis. In practice there are many separate areas of life, and a person may achieve gnosis in one and not another. So the term Illuminatus needs to be qualified. Perhaps nobody can claim to be a perfect Illuminatus.

Within the religion of Chrestomazdaism then Lucifer is the deity who brings Lux. (the word Lucifer in Latin means Light-bringer)

Lucifer sheds light on reality - both in procedural issues of cause and effect - and in issues of cosmic value - of what is ultimately good or bad.

Lucifer has a mixed reputation because although Lucifer brings wisdom it is possible for the Lux that Lucifer brings to be incomplete in a dangerous way.
Most notably Lucifer may be called upon to bring the knowledge of cause and effect which affords power to those in the know, while the knowledge of cosmic value (good and bad) is blocked. Thus a selfish person can gain knowledge that helps them in their selfish ends to the detriment of others less wise.

It is thus worth distinguishing between a True Illuminatus - who has received all the Lux that Lucifer brings - and a Deviant Illuminatus - who has received only a partial light as described above.

(NB There are other ways of receiving partial light e.g. only in the material scientific realm and not in the spiritual or social realm - and other terms than Deviant Illuminatus should be used)

There is a religious tradition that splits Lucifer into two deities depending on whether they bring the full pure Lux or only that which enhances power.

The True Lucifer is associated astrologically with the morning star, while the Deviant Lucifer is associated with the evening star.

Solar Lucifer (morning star) brings Ushta the full Spiritual Light of the Spiritual Sun in its blazing glory to warm the hearts of men.

Lunar Lucifer (evening star) brings the Moon - the false sun that produces no light of its own but whose pale light is merely a slight reflection of the true sun's light. Such a light is better than none at all but men that live only in the light of the moon and never know the true sun are living a sorry life indeed.

July 4011