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Nine Persian Gods

Aramazda - "Perfect Creative Force"

Sarosh“The Listener, The Obedient"

Sarosh is beautiful, wise, sensitive and self-less. Sarosh is ever-ready to listen to our individual stories. When he listens his own soul is filled with the feelings of our own. If there is distress then he obediently seeks to take action to remedy the situation. Sarosh keeps his heart open to all, whatever their pain or their wickedness. He never gives up on anyone.

Sarosh is a teacher and guardian of good moral behaviour. He seeks to encourage us on a good path in a way that is right for us. He encourages the good spirits within us and fights against the demons.

Sarosh's element is Light.

Mithra “The Listener, The Light, The Teacher, The Healer, The Champion of Justice”

Mithra is strong and skillful and full of righteous spirit. He is dedicated to promoting good order in the world around him. He loves those who are truthful and act righteously according to Arta. He hates those who are deceitful and wicked and go against Arta. Mithra seeks to support the Ashura by promoting the influence of those who act honestly and demoting the influence of those who are manipulative and wicked. He will do this in the way that is most fitting to the situation.

Mithra's element is Light. One of his totem animals is the lion.

Anahita“The Mother and Provider”

Anahita or Anita is always busy providing us with what we need for a good life, the physical necessities of food, water, shelter, absence of harmful pollutants, energy-forms or predators. Anita also provides us with a spiritual environment that contains such possibilities as comfort, companionship, challenge and novelty.

Her element is Water. One of her totem animals is the cow.

Vayu - "The Breath of Life, The Wizard"

Vayu can take the human form of a Wizard - a Wise Man. In this role he is dedicated to discovering the underlying truth of reality and making the best use of that knowledge.

Vayu can also be a more natural spirit of life, stretching and growing in strength and potential.

Vayu's element is Air. One of his totem animals is the eagle.

Rashnu - "Justice"

Veretragna - "Victory against resistance"

Airyaman - "Friendship & Healing"

Azma - "Uncontrolled emotion and lust"

Based on traditional Az (Desire, Greed) and Aeshma (Fury)
