
The Seven Shings

The Seven Shings are seven things beginning with the 'Sh' sound in the Persian language which Persian Zoroastrians traditionally prepare for their New Year ceremony at the Spring Equinox. Anglican Zoroastrians have their big annual celebration at Yuletide in December instead, but celebrate Zoroaster's birthday along with most other Zoroastrians world-wide on March the 26th. Anglicans are encouraged to prepare the Seven Shings as gifts for Zarathustra on his Birthday. Maybe they could be prepared on a special table along with a picture of Zoroaster and a copy of the Gathas. Ideally the gifts should be made by the family involved or by somebody they know.

1. SHARAB (Wine) for celebration
Any alcoholic drink such as home-made wine, mead, cider or beer.

2. SHIR (Milk) for nourishment
From an animal which lives nearby or is owned by somebody you know.

3. SHARBAT (Sherbet) for enjoyment
Any sugary confection.

4. SHAMSHIR (Sword) for security
Could be a ceremonial sword or knife, or other kind of defensive weapon.

5. SHEMSHAD (Box) for wealth
A box to store wealth for the future - e.g. in the form of silver coins. Perhaps a silver coin could be included.

6. SHAM (Candle) for illumination
A candle will light the way in the dark. Maybe include some matches. If you were able to manufacture it then a modern equivalent such as an electric torch would be acceptable.

7. SHAHDANEH (Hemp Seeds) for enlightenment
Not all modern varieties of hemp seed will be of help for enlightenment, but they can still be used to grow the hemp crop to be made into clothing and other items. Thus they will be a very useful gift.

May 4009 ZHE
