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The Holy Instruments are:

1. The Holy Cup. Out of the Holy Cup (or pot or dish) come all good things that are consumed. Water to Quench thirst, Soup to Nourish, Potions to Heal, Drink to Make Merry and Soma itself to change mental states and open one up to deeper spiritual reality.
2. The Holy Pipes which make music and set us dancing aright.
3. The 8-spoked Wheel of Asha, symbol of good order of the cosmos.
4. The Sword of Sarosh is an instrument to fight for what is righteous against what is unrighteous.

Calendar Dating

Historically Zoroastrians have used a variety of different calendar dating schemes, but in modern times there has been a move to use a scheme related to the time of Zoroaster. Historians don't know exactly when Zoroaster lived but there is a tradition that says that he ushered in the astronomical age of Aries. The dating of astronomical ages is imprecise. Zoroastrian scholars of the 19th century AD fixed on a date of 1738BC, and this became the first year of the 'Zoroastrian Religious Era' now promoted by some modern Zoroastrian groups. Euromazdeans however don't use this scheme, but instead take the beginning of the age of Aries to be aligned to the Christian millenium at 2000BC. We call our scheme either the 'Zoroastrian Historical Era' or just the 'Historical Era'. Thus we say that this is being written in the year 4008 ZHE or 4008 HE or 2008 CE. Euromazdeans don't have any special scheme for the months or days of the year, but use the customary Western scheme.

Possible scheme for measurements

One Inch is twenty-four mils length
One Foot is twelve inches
One Yard is three feet
One Hundred Length is one hundred yards
One Mile is twenty hundred length

One Acre is the area of a square which is seventy-two yards on each side

One Fluid Ounce is twenty-four mils volume
One Pint is twenty fluid ounces
One Gallon is eight pints
One Long Pint is twenty-four fluid ounces
One Long Gallon is eight long pints

One Ounce is twenty-four grams
One Pound is twenty ounces
One Stone is twelve pounds
One Hundred Weight is one hundred pounds
One Ton is twenty hundred weight

Temperature is measured on the Fahrenheit scale for everyday purposes (eg air temperature and cooking)

Updated February 4009 ZHE and 4012
