The Zurvanic Triad


Zurvan is the ground of being, the ultimate foundation of existence. Zurvan is the Space-Time fabric within which is everything that exists.

Zurvan sees the deeds of the soul of the world - calculates their effect according to the artalogos - and creates the world anew . Zurvan creates what is wonderful or what is terrible according to the law. Zurvan is merciless yet there is hope to get a good result for Zurvan is not arbitrary.


Mazda is the incarnation of Wisdom.Mazda is the creator of everything worthwhile in our world. But Mazda lives in our world. Mazda is not the source of the Substrate of existence which has always existed, nor is Mazda responsible for everything that happens. It is the actions of the living beings which create the conditions for Mazda to come alive and produce what is good and life-enhancing.

Chrestus is a part of Mazda - the most pure impulse and ability to serve the cause of Good Order embodied in man.


Ratu is our leader - our best guide to the life of righteousness. Ratu is the spirit-being which transforms us so that Mazda can act through us to produce the righteous order. Ratu is also Chrestifer - the Christ-bringer - the one who brings Chrestus to us so that we become faithful agents of Mazda.