
Some Runes - One

The Asha Triad

Artalogos - the law of cause and effect and the relationship between things

Artavista - the best relationship between things for the flourishing of life

Aramazda - the Wise Lord who moves in accordance with Artalogos to create Artavista

The Spentic Septet

Humanah – Good Mind – A mind with clear sight and right concern.

Spentaman – Life-Loving Mindset – The mentality which desires life to expand and flourish.

Artavista – Rightness - Artavista is activity with respect for Arta and the needs of life. A righteous person in comformity with Artavista can be called an Artavant.

Spentarmity – Piety - Divine-Respectful Attitude or Service. Loving attitude. The spirit which brings good thoughts, good words and good deeds.

Hukasatra – Good Dominion - The Rule of Aramazda.The state of existence ordered according to Artavista.

Harverty – Wholeness or Healthfulness - a state of well-being whether of an individual or a community. With Harverty all the energy forces coming from within or without are in a happy balance so that life flourishes and people are filled with purpose and joy.

Amorty – Eternal Good Status – the state of being in communion with Aramazda in eternity.


Akamanah – Bad Mind – a mind not capable of doing what is right. Opposite of Humanah.

Angraman – Life-Hating Spirit - the spirit which desires life to decrease, suffer and die. It is the opposite of Spentaman.

Dreg – Wrong - is opposition to Artavista and means Deception , Manipulation or Wickedness. A deceiving, manipulating or wicked person can be called a dregvant.
