Back Some Runes - Two

Below is a selected set of runes known to most Zoroastrians, although several spellings are specific to Anglo-Zoroastrianism.


Zurvan – Endless Space & Time. (In Anglo-Zoroastrianism) the featureless substance of existence , the substrate in which life plays out.

Manah – “Mind” - A process of spirit and matter which (among other things) is the source of volition.

Usta – “Light” - The flow of spiritual energy that comes from understanding and is felt as happiness.

Spenta – “Expanding” - of a process which expands the expression of spiritual light - which causes life to flourish

Angra – “Decreasing” - of a process which decreases the expression of spiritual light - which inhibits life from flourishing

Arta – “Spiritual Truth or Right”. The natural law, the moral path. The right-ordering of the spiritual aspect of the world.

Ashura – “Spiritual Lord” - The Good Cause or Good Force which acts according to Arta.

Agni – “Fire” - The presence or happy consequence of Ashura in the world.

Dreg – "Spiritual Error" - indicates activity contrary to Arta.

Amesha Spentas

Humanah – Good Mind – A mind with clear sight and right concern.

Spentamain – Life-Loving Mentality – The mindset which desires life to expand and flourish.

Artavy – Righteousness - Artavy is the impulse to acting according to Arta and the needs of life. A righteous person who possesses Artavy can be called an Artavant.

Aramaity – Piety - Divine-Respectful Attitude or Service. The spirit which brings good thoughts, good words and good deeds.

Hukasatra – Good Dominion - The Rule of the Ashura.The state of existence ordered according to Arta.

Harverty – Healthfulness - a state of well-being whether of an individual or a community. With Harverty all the energy forces coming from within or without are in a happy balance so that life flourishes and people are filled with purpose and joy.

Amorty – Eternal Good Status – the state of being in communion with Ashura Mazda in eternity.


Akamanah – Bad Mind – a mind not capable of doing what is right. Opposite of Humanah.

Angramain – Life-Hating Spirit - the spirit which desires life to decrease, suffer and die. It is the opposite of Spentamain.

Dregavy – is opposition to Arta and means Deception , Manipulation or Wickedness. A deceiver, manipulator or wicked person can be called a dregavant.


Daena – Vision – A vision or understanding of Arta. Religion or Conscience.

Chisti - Perception.

Tanu - Body.

Urvan - Soul.