
Anglosophic Runelore 4010 - A

Anglosophic Runelore is a set of mental concepts which hopefully help a person make sense of the world.

The One. What there is only one of. The Universe. The whole of existence.

That which generates, produces or gives existence to the Monos.
The qualities or ideals out of which the Universe is made, or by which the Universe can be explained.

The Being.
The cause of all the movement in the world.
The source of all the different forms of movement.

Mazda (or Sophia)
The cause of the patterning of activity in sympathy with what has come before and with the principles of relationship in order to produce good new patterns.

Governing power.
The cause of the way activities are deployed in the world.
The cause of the distribution of patterns.

Ashura-Mazda-Archon explains the production of the patterns of actual reality. If we liken the production of reality to the production of a painting then Ashura gives us the pallette of different colours, Mazda the techniques of painting to produce a good effect and the Archon decides what the picture will be about.

Where there is a boundary then Drama is the effect what happens on one side of the boundary has on what happens on the other side.
A person's drama is their actions on the world.

Conscious action.
Choice between different options of which one is conscious.

Drama & Karma
Drama are all a person's actions as normally understood, while karma are deliberate choices. Most of a person's activity happens without any reference to the conscious mind and thus proceeds automatically. Some choices of activity are given conscious attention and in this case there is freedom for a person to choose between options. All a person's activity is drama, but only in the latter case is it karma.

Best joined.
The situation in which the way things connect to each other is the best (for the purposes of producing spiritual light).

Law of joining. Logic of relationship. Principles of interaction.
The cosmic law. The natural law.
The way things naturally join together or relate to each other.

Good Mind. Good-willing Mind.
Mind in such a state that it tends to will good deeds.

Good action.
Action that has a good effect.

Samsara is the state when a mind is connected to actual reality so that it the impressions being received by it bring up internal reactions within the mind (emotional response).
Nirvana is the state when a mind is emotionally disengaged from impressions made on it and thus remains placid.

Chrestiany is a state of mind that tends to impel action that is useful in producing a benefit.
Opportunistic chrestiany is seeking to do good in situations as they present themselves.
Holistic chrestiany is seeking to be useful to the world as a whole.

Tanic & Urvanic Realms
The Tanic Realm is the material world, while the Urvanic Realm is the world of the spirit.
The Tanic Realm is open (the physical universe) whereas the Urvanic Realm is divided into multiple separate enclosures (the minds of living beings).

Urvan, Psyche, Ravan
The Urvan is either a) all the movement of a person's mind or b) the sum total of a person's drama.
The Psyche is the relatively stable aspects of a person's urvan.
The Ravan is the sum total of a person's karma.
(N.B. This Urvan/Ravan distinction is novel. Traditionally Urvan=Ravan and derives from a root reflecting movement. Normally translated in English as soul.)

The seat of consciousness.
What a living being has which a non-living being does not have.

Anglosophic Runelore 4010 - B

Anglosophic Runelore is a set of mental concepts which hopefully help a person make sense of the world. Generally anglosophic runes are derived from persian or greek language, though a few are of indian, latin or germanic origin.

The One. What there is only one of. The Universe. The whole of existence.

That which generates, produces or gives existence to the Monos.
The qualities or ideals out of which the Universe is made, or by which the Universe can be explained.

Stand & Flux
Stand is what is constant and unchanging - the substrate of existence.
Flux is what changes - the pattern of movement.

A movement. A piece of the flux.

Where there is a boundary then Drama is the effect what happens on one side of the boundary has on what happens on the other side.
Especially used of the effect of the mind on the body or the effect of the mind/body on the rest of the world.
A person's drama is their actions on the world.
To a person the world's drama is the effect of the world on them.

Manic Drama & Telonic Drama
Drama controlled by a Mind (and thus tending to have a pattern to it).
Drama which has a Telos or End in mind.
Drama that consists of multiple co-ordinated actions to produce a result.

Originally the way that drama progresses over time.
Possibly also the way that drama progresses through space.

A kinema caused by the result of the combination of drama from multiple sources.

Fluxwall or Dramawall
A boundary of flux.
A material through which flux cannot transmit itself.
A barrier to dramaflow.

Substance that tends to reduce the ease of dramaflow.

Substance that tends to amplify the power of (particular) dramaflow.

Fluxpath or Drama-flow-path
A channel through which flux passes.
A chain of sites of flux information.
The way that drama is spread outwards from its source.
The way that drama tends to flow through a world.

The character of an object or territory with respect to the way that drama flows through it.

An enclosure. A piece of territory protected by a wall.
A piece of territory insulated against kinema outside the boundary.

Law of joining. Logic of relationship. Principles of interaction.
The cosmic law. The natural law.
The way things naturally join together or relate to each other.

Tanic & Urvanic Realms
The Tanic Realm is the material world, while the Urvanic Realm is the world of the spirit.
The Tanic Realm is open (the physical universe) whereas the Urvanic Realm is divided into multiple separate enclosures (the minds of living beings).

Urvan, Psyche, Ravan
The Urvan is either a) all the movement of a person's mind or b) the sum total of a person's drama.
The Psyche is the relatively stable aspects of a person's urvan.
The Ravan is the sum total of a person's karma.
(N.B. This Urvan/Ravan distinction is novel. Traditionally Urvan=Ravan and derives from a root reflecting movement. Normally translated in English as soul.)

The seat of consciousness. The source of movement.
The inhabitant of the Urvanic realm.
What a living being has which a non-living being does not have.

The reflective part of the Soul.

Conscious action.
Choice between different options of which one is conscious.

Drama & Karma
Drama are all a person's actions as normally understood, while karma are deliberate choices. Most of a person's activity happens without any reference to the conscious mind and thus proceeds automatically. Some choices of activity are given conscious attention and in this case there is freedom for a person to choose between options. All a person's activity is drama, but only in the latter case is it karma.

The Being.
The cause of all the movement in the world.
The source of all the different forms of movement.

Mazda (or Sophia)
The cause of the patterning of activity in sympathy with what has come before and with the principles of relationship in order to produce good new patterns.

Governing power.
The cause of the way activities are deployed in the world.
The cause of the distribution of patterns.

Ashura-Mazda-Archon explains the production of the patterns of actual reality. If we liken the production of reality to the production of a painting then Ashura gives us the pallette of different colours, Mazda the techniques of painting to produce a good effect and the Archon decides what the picture will be about.

Samsara is the state when a mind is connected to actual reality so that it the impressions being received by it bring up internal reactions within the mind (emotional response).
Nirvana is the state when a mind is emotionally disengaged from impressions made on it and thus remains placid.

Best joined.
The situation in which the way things connect to each other is the best (for the purposes of producing spiritual light).

Good Mind. Good-willing Mind.
Mind in such a state that it tends to will good deeds.

Good action.
Action that has a good effect.

Chrestia is a state of manah and flow of drama that is useful in supporting living activity (similar meaning to spentarmity).
Opportunistic or accidental chrestia is chrestia that attends to whatever happens to present itself.
Holistic chrestia or holochrestia is chrestia attending to the whole of a world (a flux-bounded territory).

Ergon Holon Holarchy Panarchy Self Lust/desire/emotion/reaction/aetherial