
The Bram Runes (4011)


Bram is Existence - the totality of what is. Bram can be made sense of in many ways. Bramstand is what is constant and unchanging about Bram, while Bramflux is what is changeable. Bramhood describes the ultimate source of the manifestation of Bram from which comes Bramland - the territory of Bram and the Brambeing or Bram Giant called Brammer which inhabits this territory. Bramlog is the memory of Bram - the trace that Brammer leaves in the Bramland apart from itself.

Urvanic and Tanic Realms

The Bramland can be usefully divided into two realms which we call the Urvanic and Tanic realms. The Urvanic realm is the arena of the spirit and mind, while the Tanic realm is the arena of physical matter. The Urvanic realm appears to us to be composed of multiple private enclosures - each the private thinking space of a living being. The Tanic realm by contrast is a single Common Realm. There is communication between the Urvanic and Tanic realms so that activity in one can affect the activity in the other but there appears to be no direct communication between the activity in the different enclosures of the Urvanic Realm. Rather the Tanic realm is the medium for communication between the different enclosures of the Urvanic realm.

Bios and Bions

Bios is Life - the manifestation in the Bramland where activity in enclosures of the Urvanic realm takes control of a part of the territory of the Tanic realm. A Bion is a living being - the activity connected with one such Urvanic enclosure. A Bion is comprised of multiple aspects. The Soul is the seat of awareness, feeling and movement. The Urvan or Essential Flux is the movement within the Urvanic realm. The Psyche is that part of the Urvan not immediately caused by the creative soul but is the ongoing activity built up from the momentum of past actions and experiences of the soul. Manah or Mind is a part of the Urvan typically involved with making sense of the world and relating to it. The Body is that part of the flux of the Tanic realm under the direction of the Urvan.

Ushta, Lux and Karma

Ushta is Spiritual Light - the flow of energy within the Urvan we call Radiant Happiness or Joy.

Lux is the Light of Understanding that comes when the Manah or Mind is able to grasp the nature of the world so that it is one with it.

Karma is the movement of the Soul which are also the actions of the Soul.

Essens and Drama

An Essen is a Being - an inhabitant of the Bramland which has apparent character and integrity. A Bion is an Essen and the Brambeing is also an Essen. There are also many other seminatural and supernatural Essens such as associations of Bions, natural processes and divine beings

Drama is action and is the influence that one Essen has on another Essen. Dramacourse is the flow of drama across a particular boundary between different Essens over time. Dramaflow is the flow of drama from one Essen to another Essen and perhaps a long chain of further Essens. Soul Drama is Karma or the conscious actions of the Soul. Urvanic drama is the flow of influence across the boundary between the Urvanic Realm and Tanic Realm from the former to the latter and is a product not only of soul-drama but also of the momentum of the psyche. Tanic Drama is the reverse influence. Bionic Drama is the actions of a living being through its body. World Drama can refer to the influence of the World on a particular Bion.

Ashura and Ashurons

One way of understanding the activity of Brammer the World Giant is as the consequence of the imperfect expression of Ashura - the Divine Being. The Ashura is the source of all patterning of activity - i.e. of causing the activity of Brammer to conform to an ideal type. Ashura has within it multiple beings called Ashurons. Ashurons are divine beings which are partial expressions of the Ashura.

Spentons and Angrons

Spentons are beings that promote the flourishing of life. Angrons decrease the flourishing of life.

Mazda, Artalogos, Artavista, Asha

Mazda is Wisdom about the nature of the environment and what is needed to produce the best outcome for the flourishing of life. Wisdom includes knowledge of the Artalogos or law of the joining of things. Artavista is the best joining of things one to another.

March 4011 ZHE