
Sophic Runes - as at June 4012

MONOS - The World, The Universe, The Cosmos, Existence

MONOGEN - The Primal Source, the source of the MONOS

ORLAND - The Primal Substrate - the essentially unchanging matter within which everything moves

GATLAND - The physical realm

MANLAND - The mental-spiritual realm

ARTALOGOS - The law of joining, the natural law, the cosmic law

WOD - momentum, whether physical (GATWOD) or psychospiritual (MANWOD),

VRIL - energy as a motive force (with the power to change momentum) whether physical (GATVRIL) or psychospiritual (MANVRIL)

KARMA - soul-action - the conscious creative action of a living soul or living being, the conscious choice of path

USHTA - spiritual light, the free-flow of spiritual energy, happy vibration, joy, radiant happiness

DUKKA - disruptive, distorted flow of spiritual energy, disintegrating vibration, unhappiness, suffering

VAL - what is of value to life
VALIFORM - that structure of reality which is of immediate intrinsic value to life
VALIGEN - that structure of reality which is the cause of the production of VALIFORM

DRAMA - Action - any influence across a boundary, the influence a being has on the outside world, the influence the outside world has on a being

DRAMAFLOW - the chain of influence from one being onto another and then another

DRAMACOURSE - the flow of influence across a particular boundary over time

VIVA - a living being - also BION

VIVATOM - the seat of a living being, the essential centre of feeling and movement.

URVAN - the actions of a living being over time taken as a whole. The URVAN is the person as an activity in the world, and thus is what a person is as far as the outside world is concerned.

MANAH - the mental and spiritual body or activity or aspect of a person , a person's manifestation in the MANIC REALM

PSYCHE - that part of MANAH which is habitual , perpetuating itself mechanistically, and shapes the character of a person

TANU - the physical body of a person, their manifestation in the GATIC REALM

LUX - light of understanding, the visibility of the linkages of cause and effect

BUD - awakeness, the mental-spiritual conformity to reality

GEURVAN - The world-soul, the world-being

ASHURA - The divine lord - the regulator activity

MAZDA - the divine wisdom - the wisdom which permeates the world and shapes its ongoing progression

BRAMMER - The 'Source in the World' - the creative being in the world






Updated June 4012 HE