Runes - 4013

Artalogos is the Natural Law.

Artista is the best state of the world in which the Natural Law is most respected so that there is harmony and flourishing of life.

Ashura is the ordering power in the Universe

Mazda (or Sophia) is Wisdom. Mazda is made up of the cultural forms within our minds and the world in general which are generators of the good forms of life.

Manah is Mind - both the thinking mind and the feeling mind.

Drama is action or deeds - the influence one thing has on another. Drama is all our deeds whether meant deliberately or not.

Chrestia is service to a good cause

Kasatra is ruling, regulating, governing - shaping the living reality.

Taxis is the constitution or enduring character of something. It especially refers to the constitution of society - the social order, the political order, the economic order etc.

Vara is an enclosed space - sheltered in all directions from the world outside - and forming a mini-world entire unto itself.

Ushta is Radiant Happiness

Another list...

Chron (or Zurvan) is Father Time - the one who decides our fate taking into account our actions.

Artalogos is the Natural Law.

Ashura is the ordering power in the Universe

Artista is the best state of the world in which the Natural Law is most respected.

Mazda (or Sophia) is Wisdom Almighty - the power that creates everything wholesome and valuable.

Vara is an enclosed space - sheltered in all directions from the world outside - and forming a mini-world entire unto itself.

Chrestus is the most pure force for Good Order in human form.

Chrestus is the favourite son of Aramazda. Chrestus is the most pure impulse and ability to serve the cause of Good Order embodied in man.