Back Ashatria


The Ashatria consists of three elements: Asha, Mazda and Humanah.


Asha (also Artia,Artista or Artavista) is Rightness , Truth or Righteousness - the state of good relation between things.

Asha is conformity to the natural law (Artus) - the law of right connection which determines what relations are good and what are bad, and which comes out of the nature of things in themselves and is not something arbitrary.

Asha is Truth, the good relationship between Mind and Reality, so that Mind mirrors Reality.

Asha is Righteousness, the good relationship of our actions to the needs of the world.

Asha is Good Order, the general good relationship of multiple elements of the world so that they work together harmoniously to produce a reality which is a good reality for life.


Mazda is Wisdom.

Mazda is the power in the world which seeks to shape the world in ways that produce good results. It is the power which creates something new out of smaller elements, the power which transforms one thing into another thing.

Mazda depends on the law of Asha, for every act of creation must accord with the law of right-connection. However Mazda is more than simple knowledge of the law, but encompasses the knowledge of techniques which can create.


Humanah is Good Mind. It is the character of mind that wishes for what is Good and is by its nature the springboard of good action.

The concept of Humanah implies both an inclination to do what is right, and also the knowledge and mental ability to discern what is the right course of action in any situation.
