

Drasis is 'doing' of any kind


SPELA - Speeling - any kind of human behaviour that sends a message to others (including that fossilized in text or video etc)

MANTRA - Something that affects the mind of a person - especially in an educational way

From November 21:

DAENA is an aspect of Noia (consciousness). It is a 'way of seeing'. It is someone's beliefs and values, or their conscience. The word Daena has a stronger moral connotation that the term Noia and is sometimes translated as religion.

SPEELING is an activity that someone can do to influence the Noia of another person. The word is related to German Spiel (Play/Act) and English Spell (as in 'cast a spell'). Speeling relies on the fact that it is human nature to be influenced by the behaviour of other people. If others tell us a story about something then we are naturally inclined to take in what they have said and make it part of our own thinking.
Generally we use the word speeling to mean conscious acts of communication where we are trying to shape the thoughts of others. This might be for good purposes as a parent or teacher or just to get them to do what we want them to.
For speeling to work it requires that people are open to it, that they listen in a naive way innocent of potential trickery so that they take the speeling at face value. Speeling can be used to 'cast a spell' over a person so as to lock-in some particular way of thinking , which prevents them from thinking and seeing in a free way.

From November 21:

DRASIS is 'doing' of any kind

EKDRASIS is the action of a being on the outside world
ENDRASIS is the impact of the world on a being
SYNDRASIS is the outworking of Ekdrasis and Endrasis over time with each affecting the next iteration of the other
PANDRASIS is the collective doing of all beings and their interactions

STATA - what stays relatively constant over time

TUKA - the actions of the Tyke, what happens in the world (as opposed to what individuals try and do: PELLA)

DOLUS - Deception, trickery

TEKNEMA - The world seen as something created artificially by a powerful archon, rather than naturally (organically?) by the free interaction of beings.

BIODOS - a way of life

STREPHA is 'churning' or 'strife' . It is the mental effect of Endrasis on a mind that is open to influence. When lots of things happen to a person which affect him emotionally then he is in a state of STREPHA.

ATARAXA is calmness - the absence of STREPHA

From October 21:


DRASIS is 'Doing'. Drasis inititiates with Zoions (i.e. we are talking about the doings of living beings). Drasis is not just what we do, but what everybody is doing, and how this influences others who again influence others in chains of influence.

STATA are 'what stands still'. Wherever we have continuity in the world, wherever something seems to be solid and permanent , even if it does not last forever, there we have Stata.

Drasis and Stata are in continual interplay. For 'doing' is all about changing Stata. However Stata in their turn form the 'settled facts about the world' which form the ground from which future drasis emanates.


When we try to do something there is not an automatic link between what we plan for and what actually happens. So in Neomazdaism we have a different words for the two:
PELLA is what we 'push for', TUKA is what happens.

In Popular Mithraism we recognise the TYKE (Greek Tyche, Latin Fortuna) as the Executive Power of Zurvan. At each moment of time, the TYKE considers all the PELLA (appeals) of the different Zoions, alongside the existing STATA (current situation) and makes (TUKA) the next iteration of the world.

From May 21:

Kosmos is the Ordered World - the world working according to Arta, and thus one where a good human life is possible.
Kaos is the unordered world where Arta is absent.

Pella are the human appeal to the Tyke - what people push for.
Tuka (was Teuka) are the actions of the Tyke - what actually happens within Zurvan

When we try to act in the world, to do something that makes a difference to how the world is, then we are generating Pella. However our attempts to act do not always meet with perfect success, and will be affected by pre-existing conditions and other people's actions so that sometimes the ultimate influence we have may bear little relation to what we were originally aiming for. So the word Tuka is used to refer to 'what actually happens' in the end.

In our religious imagination we consider that the way the world unfolds through time is decided by the goddess Tyche, also known as the (Universal) Tyke. The world can only do one thing at a time so overall there can only be one being deciding what can happen, as this is Tyche. So our own attempts at action are really requests to the Tyke. Our requests are given consideration along with everybody else's requests and then she makes a final decision as to what will happen.

While the world is ultimately under the control of one single Universal Tyke, it is sometimes useful to imagine multiple Tykes, each with a particular area under their control. So if we have a particular place that we want to make an impact in then we can make our request to the particular tyke who is in charge of that place.

From June 2020:


The Law of ZURVAN is that all actions have effects, and wrong actions lead to bad effects. Most often our own bad actions will lead to bad effects for us.
However this is not always the case as Zurvan considers the actions of everybody and produces a result based on these combined actions. It can be that other people suffer from your bad actions more than you do, and vice versa.
Some actions (DRAMA or DRATA (or now DRASIS)) will become amplified in their effects - i.e. they have a larger impact than expected from the initial deed. Similarly other actions become dampened in their effects, so that there is no long term consequence.
DEEDWALLS prevent the transmission of DRATA whether through time or space. Where a deedwall surrounds a space then only those acting inside the space can have an impact on it. Similarly a deedwall can prevent the transmission of drata through time.

From May 2014:

DEEDRUN (or DEEDFLOW) is the way that the deeds of one person or being affect other people and things which in turn affect more people etc. It is the the chain of influence or the flow of DOING .

We distinguish between CHOOSING and DOING, where CHOOSING is always conscious choice, but DOING is the sum total of our influence on other people whether consciously chosen or not. In fact most of a person's DOING happens automatically without any conscious choosing.

BONDING is the way a person is connected to something or somebody else so that they are affected by that other thing. Thus there is a strong association between BONDING and DEEDRUN.

The most basic kind of BONDING is the bond between a Soul and living matter. Having physical bodies we are all of us Bonded to a particular place in the material universe. Consequently we are affected by what happens in our particular place, but not immediately by what happens in another place. We can easily see and hear what happens near to us but not what happens far away. We are affected by physical activity in proximity to our bodies but not that which is distant. While alive we are always bonded to a place . Nevertheless we can change the place we are bonded to by moving to a different place.

Another kind of bonding is that we have with our gods. Here we might consider gods as a kind of culturally transmissible being which inhabits our minds. If we worship a particular god which has a meaning in a religious tradition then we are opening ourselves up to the cultural lore associated with that god.

Another kind of bonding is bonds between people. Where people are emotionally bonded to each other then what happens to one person is of interest to the other. We are also bonded in a different way to people we consider have high status and are our leaders. We are more likely to listen to these people and act upon their suggestions.

Bonds between people are not just down to our emotional attachments but also to our physical relationship to them. If they are in the same room as them then we are in a way bonded to them because we can't help noticing what they are doing and saying and what is being done to them. Our material technology also affects bonding. If one person can tell a story in a television studio and have millions pay attention then all those viewers become bonded to the story-teller.

Bonding has a crucial influence on Deedflow and thus the Weg or movement of the Grund. The nature of the Weg dictates the HAP - or happenings - and these may be good or bad for us - full of joy and pleasure or else pain and distress.

DEEDWAY is a way of doing things - especially what we might call our culture.

GOALDREAM - is an ideal we are seeking to attain.

Creative activity typically depends on the formulation of a Goaldream . If we don't have an image in our minds of what we are seeking to achieve then our doings will be aimless and we will not get anywhere.