
Heathen Runes (2012-3)

A few word definitions...

Weird - what has happened.

Weirdlaw - the law of cause and effect

Realgood - what is of intrinsic value, what brings happiness

Rightness - a state of good order

Rightlaw - the law of good relationship - also called the natural law because it follows from the intrinsic nature of things

Goodmind - the mind which naturally inclines to do what is best.

Wisdom - the good patterns in the mind and in the world which encourage the deeds which lead to realgoodness.

Bloomlaw (or Bloomway) - the law (or way) of flourishing - probably the same as the Rightlaw

Deed - action, what a person does, what influence a person or being has on the world, also what influence the world has on them.

Os - breath, spirit, movement, vibration

Wod - wind, motion

Weg - motionweight, momentum, persistent process, self-sustaining activity

(NB Maybe Os, Wod and Weg are the same)

Vril - energy, especially vital energy

Orlay - a person's starting point in life - the circumstances they were born into - their inheritance. The starting point of any activity.

Heathendom is the realm of small communities and economies.

Tun - a heathen village or settlement

Bury - a fortified tun or sheltered living space - especially one protected in all directions - buried underground.

Guild - a heathen brotherhood or fellowship for worship and mutual support

A few Runes:

Grond : The ground of existence , the one source of everything , the space-time fabric of the physical and spiritual realms.

Wod : Motion , wind , waves, activity

Wodding : the act of creating Wod.

Backwod : Wod that is produced by something as an automatic consequence of what you do to it, a reflex.

Weg : Weight, momentum . Process or activity having the attributes of speed, direction and weight or inertia.

Bond : A connection between beings such that one is affected by the deeds of the other.

Lay : The character of something at a particular moment in time. This can be described in terms of the Backwod produced in response to any particular stimulus.

Choosing : The conscious choosing between alternatives.

Deed : Actions. Deed is Wodding that occurs between one being and another (or between the being and its environment). Deed comes out of the interaction of Lay and Choosing.

Weird : What happens or has happened. This is a consequence of all the world's previous Lay and Choosing.

Churning : The impact on a person who is bonded to others and thus is influenced by their deeds. Somebody who is 'in the thick of things' is subject to much churning whereas somebody who is detached from the world is subject to little. Churning can be both good and bad. Good churning creates vitality and enables a person to develop. Bad churning is unpleasant without any benefit.

Deedflow : The way deed at one point impacts activity at further points.

Deedgarth : An enclosure such that everything that happens within the enclosure is a consequence of the actions taken by those inside it.

World : A whole, a self-sufficient area of Wod, what is enclosed by a deedgarth.

Worldlord : The governing or regulating aspect of a World.

Wizder : Wisdom as an active being. Wizder exists where there is Good Lay so that Good Backwod is produced in response to a situation which is appropriate to that situation.