
Rune Ideas (2014 or earlier)

Grund Runes

GRUND - is the Ground of Being

WEG - is the Waves of movement that travel across the face of GRUND

HAP - is a happening, an event, an activity, a process

CHOOSING is the exercise of the will to choose between alternatives that are visible to a being. (CHOOSING fundamentally affects the WEG)

DOING is the influence of a being on what is outside that being as well as the influence of the outside world back upon the being.

BLOOMING is the flourishing of life

The BLOOMLAW is the law of good connection between things so that BLOOMING occurs. The law of good connection between things rests on the intrinsic nature of the things being connected (a round peg fits best in a round hole) and is thus the same as the Natural Law.

Deedrun and Bonding

DEEDRUN (or DEEDFLOW) is the way that the deeds of one person or being affect other people and things which in turn affect more people etc. It is the the chain of influence or the flow of DOING .

We distinguish between CHOOSING and DOING, where CHOOSING is always conscious choice, but DOING is the sum total of our influence on other people whether consciously chosen or not. In fact most of a person's DOING happens automatically without any conscious choosing.

BONDING is the way a person is connected to something or somebody else so that they are affected by that other thing. Thus there is a strong association between BONDING and DEEDRUN.

The most basic kind of BONDING is the bond between a Soul and living matter. Having physical bodies we are all of us Bonded to a particular place in the material universe. Consequently we are affected by what happens in our particular place, but not immediately by what happens in another place. We can easily see and hear what happens near to us but not what happens far away. We are affected by physical activity in proximity to our bodies but not that which is distant. While alive we are always bonded to a place . Nevertheless we can change the place we are bonded to by moving to a different place.

Another kind of bonding is that we have with our gods. Here we might consider gods as a kind of culturally transmissible being which inhabits our minds. If we worship a particular god which has a meaning in a religious tradition then we are opening ourselves up to the cultural lore associated with that god.

Another kind of bonding is bonds between people. Where people are emotionally bonded to each other then what happens to one person is of interest to the other. We are also bonded in a different way to people we consider have high status and are our leaders. We are more likely to listen to these people and act upon their suggestions.

Bonds between people are not just down to our emotional attachments but also to our physical relationship to them. If they are in the same room as them then we are in a way bonded to them because we can't help noticing what they are doing and saying and what is being done to them. Our material technology also affects bonding. If one person can tell a story in a television studio and have millions pay attention then all those viewers become bonded to the story-teller.

Bonding has a crucial influence on Deedflow and thus the Weg or movement of the Grund. The nature of the Weg dictates the HAP - or happenings - and these may be good or bad for us - full of joy and pleasure or else pain and distress.

DEEDWAY is a way of doing things - especially what we might call our culture.

GOALDREAM - is an ideal we are seeking to attain.

Creative activity typically depends on the formulation of a Goaldream . If we don't have an image in our minds of what we are seeking to achieve then our doings will be aimless and we will not get anywhere.

The Norns

Norns are the powers that shape the course of our world. Norns work hand in hand with the Oslords (or Oswights) which are the divine powers. Norns however are closer to our everyday reality than the Oslords.

It is the Norns who weave the WEIRD - the happenings of our lives. Norns are very open to persuasion by the actions of the neatwights - the physical beings like individual people. However the Norns have no morality of their own and will produce a bad HAP or happening as easily as a good one.

We can distinguish at least four kinds of Norns.

1. The GREAT NORN or WORLD NORN fills the world and controls everything that happens in the world. The World Norn is the Great Architect who shapes the environment of every living being. Right from conception - the physical environment, the physical and non-physical genetic material, the opportunities people have and the course of their growth and development and activity are all ultimately influenced by the Great Norn.

2. KINGNORNs are human centres of power in our ordinary everyday sense. KINGNORNS shape the human society. KINGNORNs are driven by GOALDREAMs (their objectives) and wield influence by SPELLCRAFT (rhetoric and story-telling) which influence people's understandings , by judicious offering of gifts (money) which panders to their desires and needs and by the use of physical force which causes fear or physical restriction on action.

3. NEATNORNs are personal norns attached to individual NEATWIGHTs - individual people and living beings. A person's NEATNORN is that person's presence in the world. The size of the NEATNORN reflects the size of the influence a person has in the world at large. Most people have a fairly small NEATNORN which carries little weight in the world outside their immediate circle of contacts. Some people however have larger NEATNORNs so that their personal wishes, actions or ideas have an effect on large numbers of other people.

4. MANNORNs are also personal norns. A Mannorn is the action or DOING of the world upon a person. Every living individual has their own Mannorn which creates the immediate world around them. Everything which impinges on a person - sights and sounds, physical feelings, availability of food, presence of people to engage with, and opportunities for activity are all down to that person's MANNORN.

Of course the MANNORN does not decide what to do arbitrarily but is affected by the DOING of the person concerned as well as by the people around them, the actions of the KINGNORNs and ultimately by the GREAT NORN.

The Oslords

Oslords are the divine spirit-beings. By divine we mean abstract. By spirit-being we mean a being that has movement and activity but no obvious physical body that we can see. Oslords are the purest kind of spirit-being defined by abstract characteristics.

The Oslords are the divine powers - the abstract powers invisible to the eye but known by the effects they produce.


The Rightlord is the most important of the Oslords. The Rightlord seeks to regulate situations so that they create the best possible conditions for living beings. The Rightlord has perfect knowledge of the pre-existing circumstances and perfect knowledge of the Natural Law or BLOOMLAW which originates out of the intrinsic nature of things themselves.

The Rightlord is also known as TIEW. Tiew is the power which sparks the radiant fire of living joy.

The Rightlord is also known as WIZDER. Wizder is wisdom - the good patterns of thoughts and action which have been developed out of a long process of imagination-testing out and feedback and which have become established in the mind.


The Redelord is the Advising and Guiding Lord. The Redelord guides and transforms us so that we become instruments of the Rightlord.

The Redelord may be seen as WODEN or else as a trio of WODEN, FREYA and BALDER. Woden is especially the one who encourages and cajoles us to face reality. Freya is especially the one who speaks to our emotions and feelings. Balder is especially the one who helps transform the character of our minds so that they can see the world the better.


THUNNER breaks through resistance and the enclosures of giants to free the waters which are the resources of life that we may have have a place in which to live.

FRIGGER is the power which brings Love, Friendship and Care.

INGFREY is the power which enhances the general prosperity by supporting the growth of what is helpful and retarding the growth of what is unhelpful.

WODDER is the stimulating power - the father of all . In contrast to TIEW , WODDER is amoral and the stimulation may have good or bad effects. WODDER is also known as GREATWODEN and is distinguished from WODEN who is the righteous guiding power.

BALDER is the being who purifies our minds and hearts that they engage most fully in the service of the whole undistorted by selfish impulses. Balder helps wake us from the dream we imagine to be the real world so that we see a true likeness of the essential reality (BEDOM).

HODDER is the being who makes warriors of us that we can defeat those who harm us. Hodder is focussed on his immediate surroundings and is blind to the wider context. Thus Hodder may easily be turned to bad purpose unless guided by a right-seeing being such as Balder.

December 4013 HE & September 4014



A wight is just a being. There are lots of possible ways to classify wights. One way might be:

1. NEATWIGHT - (Neat means animal) - is a living being - the most concrete kind of being .

2. GOALWIGHT - a wight able to develop and pursue a goal such as a human organisation

3. SHAPEWIGHT - is a Wight identified by its ability to achieve or maintain a particular condition. For instance a placewight (housewight/landwight) maintains a particular place in a particular condition .

4. OSWIGHT or OSLORD - is a Wight identified by the kind of movement it generates. Oswights are the most abstract kind of Wights. For instance Thunner is an Oswight involved in breaking through resistance by the application of sudden force.

Godly Threesome

1. RIGHTLORD - The Righteous Spirit Lord - that which regulates the movement of the world so that it is beneficial for the flourishing of life. The Rightlord is also called TIEW.

2. REDELORD - the Guiding Lord - that which guides and transforms us so that we become instruments of the RIGHTLORD in our dealings with the GREATNORN. The Redelord is also called WODEN.

3. GREATNORN - The cosmic decider of the course of the world. Everybody's fate is ultimately decided by the Great Norn. However we can influence the Greatnorn by our actions. The Great Norn is also called WYRDMAKER or WYRDSMITH.

Worthy Goals


1. WYNHAP - WYN is joy or pleasure. WYNHAP is joyful activity.

2. EADWELL - EAD is prosperity. EADWELL is the source of prosperity.

3. ENDEBYRD - is the Good Order or Good Constitution of Society.

4. FREENESS - is mental freedom - the ability to see clearly and act with purity.