
Rune Ideas (2016)

Angoprima means 'the first principles of existence'.


We start with Angus just meaning existence itself.

Angus is above all else for nothing that exists can contain existence, but instead everything else is a part of existence.


Next comes the Zurvanium which is the substrate within which is everything we recognise as existing.

The Zurvanium has three aspects which are Zurvanus, Manangum and Astavatum.
  • Zurvanus is Time

  • Manangum is Mental or Spiritual Matter

  • Astavatum is Physical Matter.

Living beings are composite bodies existing in both the Manangum and Astavatum, whereas inanimate objects are solely bodies in the Astavatum.


The Solarium has three aspects which are Solara, Idealum and Gatum.

  • Solara is the Source or Cosmic Sun. It is the source of all things that stands outside the world itself. The Solara is eternal and unchanging.

  • The Idealum is the realm of ideas and forms.

  • The Gatum is the realm of life - the place where matter and spirit combine and interplay.

Related concepts

Lumen is the Light , Sound or Energy that streams from the Solara into the world.

Gelidum is Cold, Ice or Matter - frozen, dead substance. Gelidum is the material world in the absence of Lumen.

Ataricum is Heat, Fire or Spirit . It is substance come alive with the Lumen of Solara.


Next after the Solarium is the Actium which deals with the motion or activity or happenings of existence.

The Actium consists of Varta, Mata, Drata, Vanta and Stata:
  • Varta are our conscious choices.

  • Mata are our thoughts or thinking.

  • Drata are our actions and effects.

  • Vanta are the winds of change or the currents of influence then tend to knock the Stata out of their predestined pattern into something else. The Vanta don't always bring observable change but can also act to preserve a stable pattern of activity that would otherwise disintegrate.

  • Stata are the persistent activities of the world - the things that tend to continue through time unless something comes to disturb them.

Mitraruna - General

The Mitraruna are the essential thought-concepts of Mithraism.

NB There is no definitive compilation of these, but we list a few of them here which are not mentioned elsewhere.


Holum is the Whole or World.

Holum is the whole of active existence viewed as one entity.

The limits of Holum are the limits of activity. A feature of Holum is that the different parts of Holum have connection to each other and influence or can potentially influence each other.

Bonum & Malum

Bonum is The Good.

Malum is The Bad

Dreg, Dregor, Angramanus

Dreg is Deviation from what is good, true and right.

Dregor (or Dreggor in English) is the being that causes Dreg or Deviation. Dreggor is the Devil and the negative counterpart to the Ashura.

Angramanus (or Angraman in English) is the mental spirit associated with unrighteous action. Angraman is the negative counterpart to Spentaman.

NB Angraman only has power when infecting the mind of a person, whereas Dreggor has independent intelligence and power with respect to any particular person. (i.e. being a good-thinking person is incompatible with being infected with Angraman, but it doesn't make one immune to attacks by Dreggor). Of course Dreggor, like most activity in the world, ultimately depends on working through human minds for its power.


Ratus is the universal righteous guide - what connects us to Ashura and knowledge of Vaius.

Ratus has many forms of which one is Mitra.


Vaius is the motivating power in the world.

Vaius is the stimulator of everything that happens whether good or bad. Vaius is the force that causes movement and activity. Vaius is the Wind that blows through the world moving its parts and creating its character.

Vaius is a cause of momentum, and thus the cause of change in momentum of that which is currently in existence.

Vaius can be likened to the 'wind-god' for Vaius is like the being that blows and cause the winds (Vata) of world-activity.

Vaius can take the epithet Omnipater or All-Father for everything is generated by Vaius.


Solivictor is the Conquering Sun or the worldly counterpart of the Solifons (also Solara) - the unchanging source of Divine Light.

The Solivictor is a being that acts in the world to make the presence of the Solara felt.


The Mitratela are the ends, aims or goals of the Mitror.

At the primary level there is just one Mitratelum which is:

Bonum - The Good

We can distinguish three subsidiary classes of Tela - the Tela Ultima, the Tela Media and the Tela Ethica.

Tela Ultima

These are the Ultimate Ends.

The Monotelum - the one ultimate goal is:
  • Huangia - Good Existence

The Tritela - the three ultimate goals (or the three ways of making sense of the one ultimate goal) are:
  • Eudemonia - loosely 'happiness' (an attribute of an individual)

  • Thalia - flourishing (an attribute of people and beings in association)

  • Eutopia - good place (what is outside of people but interacting with them)

Tela Media

These are the 'Intermediate Goals' - i.e. a class of goals that lie in between the ethical goals which should drive our immediate action, and the ultimate goals.

Currently there is just one goal recognised in this class which is either written as Huksatra or as Eutaxis. These words have slightly different connotations but refer to the same thing.

  • Huksatra - Good Rule
This is the Good Regulation of Activity so that Best Order of Activity is obtained. The Good Rule is also the Ideal Rule - the most desirable order of things that provides the most satisfactory way of life.

  • Eutaxis - Good Order
The word Taxis means the arrangement of things or the order of things or the constitution of things. This is not the total momentary state of existence but rather the underlying order that tends to persist through time.

So Eutaxis is the 'Good Order' or the 'Good Constitution'. When thinking globally or nationally we might say the Good World Order, the Good Social Order, the Good Political Order, the Good Economic Order, the Good Ecological Order etc.

Tela Ethica

These are the ethical goals.

The Monocalx (one goal) is:
  • Rectio - Righteousness - doing the right thing at the right time in the right place

One version of the Dicalces (two goals) are:
  • Humanah - Good Mind

  • Eudrata - loosely 'Good Deeds'. Drata refers to all our actions and influence on the outside world, whether this is deliberate and conscious or otherwise

An alternative version of the Dicalces (two goals) are:
  • Pietas - Piety - Good values and ethical behaviour

  • Potentia - Potency - Strength or capability

Bodanta Runes

Bodia - a state of being awake
Abodia - a state of being asleep

Bodata - in a condition of having become awake
Bodatus - a person who is awake/has become awake

Bodanta - the process of awakening
Bodantor - a person or agent that helps awaken (others)

Strefia (or Strefa) - a condition of life for a person in which one is twisted about by external events , strife

Ataraxia (or Astrefa) - a condition of life in which one is internally at peace as a consequence of being disengaged from external events

Asonic Runes


Asons are beings in a very general sense.

Amortons are immortal beings - i.e. beings defined by abstract criteria so that they can never be said to entirely die. (also known as Aions)

Bions are living beings in the normal sense of the word. Hombions are human beings.

Mentons are beings with mind - i.e. characterised by having goals and seeking to make sense of their environment and producing a plan of action to meet their goals. NB In this context we are not mainly concerned with internal mental life, but define Mentons largely in terms of their external behaviour. Nevertheless non-living 'artificial minds' are not regarded as 'true mentons' as they have no genuine goals of their own.

Agons are beings that drive others in a particular direction. Agons have an Agendum they seek to promote, and the ability to produce Pulsus (or Push) to make others move or change in a particular way.
An example: An Agon is created by a shepherd and a sheepdog working together with the Agendum of driving sheep to market and the Pulsus of the attentions of the dog on the sheep.

Poions are beings which produce (i.e. produce situations, places, activities etc). Poions depend on having exclusive ability to involve mentons, ergons and physical space and resources. (i.e. any particular place will have certain things happening in it, and this depends on excluding other incompatible things from happening in it at the same time).

Arkons are beings which rule over a particular domain. Arkons have ultimate sovereignty over their domain and the say over what beings can operate there and in what way and thus the overall nature of what happens.
Arkons have power to shape the activity of Agons (the agitating beings) and Poions - the productive beings. Arkons are in turn shaped by other beings - ultimately by Bions. Arkons are not intrinsically good or bad.

Sitarkons are beings that rule over the Situs or the immediate situation or surroundings of a person. A person's sitarkon manages the rest-of-the-world for that person. Each person has their own sitarkon and their worldly life is entirely determined by their sitarkon and their actions in relation to it.

The Holarkon is the World-ruler or Demiurge. The Holarkon is not considered intrinsically good or bad in Mitravism.

Less commonly used Asons and older ideas:

Ergons are beings which do work - i.e. cause transformation in something where there is resistance to the transformation - so that energy is required to do it.

Spentons are beings that tend to increase the biothalia or flourishing of life.

Angrons are beings that tend to decrease the biothalia or flourishing of life.

Circons are beings that total surround a person. A person's circon is the rest-of-the-world for that person. Each person has their own circon and their worldly life is entirely determined by their circon and their actions in relation to it.

Vaions are beings that stimulate and produce change.

Mentivaions are beings that affect the mind (e.g. its thinking, spirit or character)

Ratons are beings that guide.

Angelons are messengers or beings which convey information. They are a kind of Mentivaion that stimulate a mind in such a way that it grasps truth about the external world.

Arkons - Definition One
.. are beings which govern. Arkons have power to shape or partially influence poions - the productive beings - to align to the goals of the Arkon. Arkons depend on certain (leading) mentons to produce the goals and plans and then usually generate mentivaions to impact other (subservient) mentons in a way that draws the activities of these other mentons to become useful to the goals of the leading ones. Arkons can either tend to work for the common good or else for a narrower interest.

Solifons & Idealum

Two 'suns': Solifons & Solivictor

SOLIFONS is the eternal unchanging source of energy in the universe. Our whole consciousness, all our feelings, emotions and experiences are animated by the light (LUMEN) emanating from the SOLIFONS.

The particular kind of feelings and experiences we have - the pattern of light we experience - is down to the contours of our soul (URVAN or psyche) which determine the frequency of vibration (just as a guitar string gives off a different note dependent on its length) - but the actual energy of the vibration (the musical note) is the LUMEN which comes from the ultimate Source - the SOLIFONS.

We know intellectually that the physical sun is always there whether we can see it or not, but this is not the sun we experience. We talk of the Sun rising and setting. During the day we say (at least in British idom) that the Sun comes out or goes in. At night there is no sun. This kind of sun - the sun of our experience - is the kind that really matters to us.

SOLIVICTOR - the Conquering Sun - is this second kind of sun.

SOLIVICTOR is not always present (at least not at full strength - just as there is still some sunlight when the storm clouds fill the sky so SOLIVICTOR is weakly present in the darkest of times if life still persists).

But where SOLIVICTOR is strong - where the Sun is coming out for us - then our lives are filled with light, with music, with joy, with radiant happiness (USHTA).

Two 'realms': Idealum & Gatum

The IDEALUM is the realm of Ideas - it is the abstract realm of shapes and patterns and of meaning. We also can call it the Divine realm - the realm where things are pure and perfect - where they are Ideal.

The GATUM is the realm of Life. It is the realm of time, energy and activity.It is where Spirit and Matter interact. It is messy and imperfect.

Now while Life (BIOS) can only exist in the GATUM - the Mind (MENTUS) has a yearning for the IDEALUM where it feels it really belongs.

To satisfy this yearning Mind seeks to shape the GATUM into the likeness of the IDEALUM.

Indeed this is the continual project of Life - to strive to order the World to make it feel like Heaven.

December 4016