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Zoroastrian Gnostic Christians believe that Christianity needs radical reform to meet the needs of the current age. We need to return to the roots of Christianity which are found in Persia with the prophet Zarathustra and not in ancient Israel as is popularly believed.

Zorochristians recognise that there is much that is good in the existing tradition of European Christianity and we want to keep as much as possible of the wisdom and good practices that are found there.

Zorochristians value the scriptures of the Zoroastrian Mazdean religion known as the Avesta, along with many classical greek and hellenistic writings. This includes the Jesus scriptures found in the Jesuchristian New Testament and gnostic writings of the same era. However normally we don't consider the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament as part of our scripture.

A form of Zoroastrian Gnostic Christianity.

The Chalipa Cross in a circle with a small superimposed firepot in centre is the symbol of Zartochrestianism.

We picture God as a threesome - Deuspater, Mazda and Chrestus.

God the Father is God Transcendent. He is the incorruptible heavenly source of all that is needed for a good existence. He includes Zurvan (time) , Helius (divine sun) and the Pleroma (realm of divine forms).

Mazda is the Wise One. She is the creator of all things, and is thus also the Divine Mother.

Chrestus is the Good Lord. Zoroaster called him Ahura. Chrestus or the Christ works through individual human beings - some more than others. Those who most represent the Christ we venerate as saints.


Mithras is the Archangel of Chrestus - the divinely appointed ruler of the angels and saints. He is the intermediary between God and Man, and fights against Satan.


Sophia is Lady Wisdom, and the Archangel (Chief Messenger) of Mazda (Divine Wisdom).


Zartus Rectus (Zarathustra the Righteous) is the Philosopher Saint - the one who who has knowledge of the cosmos and can discern the best ethical world-view and give to us the best religion. Zartus is the foremost teacher of Mazda and Chrestus.

Jesus Gnosticus is the Knowing Saint. Jesus Gnosticus understands existence with his mind and soul.
Jesus is also the Compassionate Saint - the one who sees our real human nature and needs and gives this the highest value regardless of human-manufactured regulations and understandings which contradict it.
Zartochrestians see Jesus' voluntary suffering on the cross as a sign of his compassion. We don't believe that the historic person of Jesus can be considered a scapegoat for all the sins of the world. Rather his action was a demonstration of how the eternal Chrestus takes on the burden of counteracting the sins of the fallible.

Currently we suggest a further five saints to make up the Saintly Heptad.These are Cyrus Rex (King Cyrus), Maria Incorrupta (Mary the Pure and Protector), Magdalena (gnostic companion of Jesus), Georgius Fortis (St.George the Brave) and Franciscus (St.Francis).


The three magi or wise men given pride of place by Zartochrestians are:

1. ZOROASTER (circa 1000 BC)
2. PLATO (circa 400 BC)
3. PLOTINUS (circa 200 AD)

The writings of these masters can be used as a foundation for the study of Zartoplatonism - the principle philosophical tradition studied by Zartochrestians.


We have four strands of religious scriptures:
1. The Persian Scriptures of the Avesta and later Zoroastrian texts. For gnostics the Gathas Zarti (Songs of Zoroaster) and the Bundahishn (Creation) are especially important.
2. The Jesus Scriptures are selected from the Judeochristian New Testament and Gnostic texts of the same era.
3. Spiritual Scriptures are additional writings that shape our spiritual character. There is no agreement on what is included but the writings of Inayat Khan are a recommendation.
4. New Scriptures - there are modern writings of Zartochrestians - which have largely not been written yet.

Updated 16 August 2019 CE