Menu Mitravian Festivals 4017.04

Mitravian Festivals

Candelakana - 2nd Feb (Candlemas)
This ancient festival marks the midpoint of winter, halfway between the shortest day and the spring equinox. In pre-Christian times, this day was known as the 'Feast of Lights' and celebrated the increased strength of the life-giving sun as winter gave way to spring.

Novalux - 21st March (also Nowruz)
- spring equinox
- beginning of spring
- 'New Light'

Zartonatus - 26 March (Natus Zarti)
- birthday of Zarathustra
- celebrate wisdom and enlightenment

Maiakana - may 1st (Maidyozarem (mid-spring))
- fertility, prosperity, burgeoning new life
- Robinus : a lusty and lawless male figure
- Maia : a goddess of growth

Tirikana - 21st June (Tishtrya Kana, Tirgan)
- water festival
- celebration of defeat of drought by life-giving rain
- ?celebrate physical strength and prowess
- ?celebrate Anahita as goddess of the waters?

Mithrakana - 21st September (Mehregan, Michaelmas)
- Festival of Mithra
- Harvest Festival
- Thanksgiving
- End of summer

Mortuorum - November 1st (or 'Festus Mortuorum')
- Feast of the Dead
- "All Souls Day"
- celebrate the spirits of the departed
- invite them to feast with you

Atarkana - November 5th
- Fire Festival
- celebration of freedom
- story of the blacksmith Kavey, the good prince Freydon and the white wizard Albomagus in overcoming the evil tyrant Azidak

Yalda - 21st dec to 1st jan (12 days)
after nightfall on 21st dec - death of Mithra
followed by three days of fasting until
after nightfall on 24th dec - 'Mithraic Breakfast' (in English language at least) expectation of rebirth celebration
25th december (after sunrise) - birth of Mithra
- called ZAYESH MEHR or ZAYSHMIR by Iranians

Not officially part of the religion but we may also celebrate:
Cyrus Day - 29th October

This version September 4016 updated April 4017