Menu Mitravia Manifesto 4017.04

The Mitravia Manifesto

We wish to promote a distinctively European variety of the ancient religion of Zoroastrianism which we call Euromazdaism or Western Zoroastrian Mithraism.

We seek to develop a specific form of religion as a candidate for Orthodoxy in Western Mithraism which we call the Mitravia or Way of Mithra.

1. We believe that a good religion is an important support to the righteous behaviour and for the advancement of the good society and the good life.

2. We believe that Zoroastrianism provides the best foundation for a religion for modern Europeans.

3. We believe that a good form of Zoroastrianism for Europeans will reflect the cultural legacy, history and identity of Europeans.

4. We hold in esteem the traditional Zoroastrian legacy of the Iranian Zoroastrians and the Parsees.

5. We hold in esteem the pagan traditions of Europe, and the high cultures of Greece and Rome, and the Christian cultural tradition.

6. We intend to be a broad movement allowing room for a diversity of approaches, practices and organisations.

7. We wish to develop a small set of common understandings and cultural ideas to provide a common foundation for Western Zoroastrian Mithrites.

8. Basic features of the common foundation as currently proposed include:

i) Acceptance of the basic Zoroastrian ethic to strive for good deeds in order to support the coming into existence of a better world where lives are lived better and happier.

ii) Acceptance of the essential distinction between matter and mental-spirit (or another term) - i.e. acceptance that there is an essential difference between what has mental-spirit and is alive and what does not have mental-spirit and is not alive.

iii) Understanding that there is free-will and that the world is not fully determined. Belief that while the possibility of Dreg (deviation, disorder, suffering) is an inevitable concomitant of freedom, it is not the case that everything bad that happens is for our own good or any benefit to us or deserved by us especially when considered from an individual's point of view. (A partial explanation of bad occurences is that they are caused by deficiency in actions to uphold the good world order (EUTAXIS) combined with the blind and/or selfish actions of those who take advantage of this.)

iv) Acceptance of the Traditional Zoroastrian Scriptures as having status.

The Traditional Zoroastrian Scriptures include the Gathas of Zarathustra (Zartogathas), the Avesta, other later writings such as the Bundahishn and Denkard, and all other writings (at least those dated to before about 3000ME/1000CE) treated as scripture by traditional Zoroastrians.

Some Mithraists may treat the most ancient 'Avestan' scriptures as the 'Old Testament' of Mithraism, and the later 'Middle Persian' scriptures as the 'Middle Testament' of Mithraism. Modern Mithraic writings will form the yet-to-be-completed 'New Testament' of Mithraism.

v) Acceptance of Mithra (sometimes 'Mitra') as a being that can mediate between us who attend to Him and the truth of existence. Mithra is regarded as a person who can be male or female - but the names Mithras and Mithrana can be used to refer specifically to Mithra in male and female forms respectively.

9. The following is also currently proposed to be part of Mitravism, though ideas have been subject to change over time.

a) Use of the trigemmae - or three jewels - which form the foundation of Zoroastrian Mithraism:

Mithra : Mazda : Zartus
(where Mithra is the Intermediary between us and the Divine, Mazda is Cosmic Wisdom and Zartus is the prophet Zarathustra)

b) Use of three important Triads or Trinities as valued vehicles for orientating ourselves to the nature of reality:

i) Mazda : Anahita : Mithra
(where Mazda is the Divine Father who is pure Wisdom and dwells in the Heavenly Idealum; Anahita is the Divine Mother who dwells in the Earthly Gatum; and Mithra is the Child of the Union of the two - divine wisdom incarnated in earthly form)

ii) Mazda : Chrestus : Spentaman
(where Mazda is the Divine Wisdom which produces the life-giving Lumen or light; Chrestus is the Good One representing Mazda in human form in the Living World (of which Mithra is an Avatar); and Spentaman is the benevolent spirit which dwells within the good people.

iii) Asha : Ashura-Mazda : Humanah
(where Asha is Rightness, Righteousness and Truth; Ashura-Mazda is the Rightness-producing power (Ashura) which is also the incarnation of Divine or Perfect Wisdom (Mazda); and Humanah is Good Mind)

c) Acceptance of the seven ancient prophets (Paleoprophetes) as a valuable guide to sources of ancient wisdom. The seven prophets are:
i) Zartus Rectus (Zarathustra)
ii) Socrates Soficus (Socrates)
iii) Gautamus Bodicus ('the Buddha')
iv) Zeno Stoicus (Zeno the Stoic)
v) Apollonius Tyaneus (Apollonius of Tyana)
vi) Manius Gnosticus (Mani)
vii) Ammonius Saccas (the father of Neoplatonism)

d) Acceptance of the list of concepts known as the Ameshaspenta or seven eternal life-promoters which are:
i) Spentamanus (or Spentaman) - Life-promoting spirit
ii) Humanah - Good Mind
iii) Asha (or Artavista) - Best Ordered State, Rightness
iv) Huksatra (or Ksatravy) - Good Rule/Dominion (Ideal Dominion)
v) Spentarmitas (Spentarmity) - Piety, Good Values & Attitudes
vi) Harvertas (Harverty) - Wholeness, Integrity, Health
vii) Amortas (Amorty) - Non-dyingness, conservation of Life

e) Acceptance of the slogan: 'Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds' as a first guide to Mithraic ethics.

f) Acceptance of 26th March 1001 ME as Zarathustra's (Zartus') official birth date. (i.e. the date that we agree to treat as his birth date for purposes of communal celebration).

g) Use of 'five baskets' of wisdom tradition for the aspiring magus to study:
i) Zoroastrianism
ii) Platonism (includes related traditions & Inayat Khan)
iii) Stoicism
iv) Europaganism (especially Greco-Roman & Roman Mithraism)
v) Social Philosophy (starting with Christian Social Teaching)

h) Use of the 'chalipa' symbol to represent the religion. The chalipa is comprised of a cross potent with four solid free-standing circles in the diagonal positions altogether enclosed by a free-standing circle.

i) Recognition of a list of twelve arkons (divine rulers) of which the following list is an example but not definitive:

  1. Arkon of Health & Disease

  2. Arkon of Mystification and Clarification

  3. Arkon of Sociality

  4. Arkon of Wealth & Money

  5. Arkon of incentive and disincentive

  6. Arkon of developmental experience

  7. Arkon of Announcement

  8. Arkon of the physical environment

  9. Arkon of remembering and forgetting

  10. Arkon of wisdom and culture

  11. Arkon of care and neglect

  12. Arkon of (human) governance

May Mithra guide the Arkons and not Satan!

This manifesto first written by Marcus Zartianus in May 4016 of the Mithraic Era (ME) and updated August 4016 and April 4017