Menu Zurvan 4018.09


Zurvan means Time, which is the arena of all activity, of all life.

Scholars argue that in origin the word Zurvan meant specifically a period of time, and traditionally distinction has been made between Boundless Zurvan - Time without end - and Bounded Zurvan - a limited period of time.

Now Zurvan means more than just Time in the abstract, rather it refers to the whole moving Ground of Being - the ever-progressing substrate of existence - on top of which everything exists, and out of which everything is made.

We often imagine a world made up of static objects, but in reality everything particular, everything that can be distinguished from something else is re-created moment-by-moment as the product of waves or vibrations crashing across an ever-changing sea.

Universal Zurvan is the Cosmic Zurvan, the Boundless Zurvan. It is the eternal arena of all life. It is the Common Time in which different living beings, with different minds, different wills, different bodies all establish their own existence in interaction or communion with each other.

However Zurvan also appears to each one of us, as Personal Zurvan. This is a Bounded Zurvan - the limited time that is our lifetime - the period of time that we each have to breathe and feel the world and act in the world before we are gone.

Yet Zurvan is more than the dates which mark the beginning and the end, it is the whole material out of which our consciousness is made. Zurvan is all the energy that moves us, all the music that inspires us, all the worlds we can inhabit - it is the full potentiality of what our life could be.

Our job in life is to build a good relationship with Zurvan - our Personal Zurvan and the Universal Zurvan which is its Father. Zurvan provides the possibility but it does not dictate the outcome. Zurvan sets the rules of the game, but it does not tell you how to play.

Zurvan provides us with all we need to produce a heavenly life, but it also allows us to create a hell on earth. Zurvan gives us freedom to act, but is rigorous in enforcing the consequences of our choices whether for good or bad.

Thus we need a way to make good choices in life, and for this we look to the second and third persons of the Mithraic trinity. These are Mazda - the wisdom power, and Mithra his good son.

Zurvan! Mazda! Mithra!

Marcus Zartianus
September 4018 ME