Menu Some quotes concerning Mithra 4018.10

"Ahuramazda, Anahita, and Mithra protect me against all evil", - Artaxerxes II , 360 BC.

"Ahuramazda and Mithra preserve me, my country, and what has been built by me." - Artaxerxes III, 340 BC.

"The fundamental aspect of the Mithraic system was the dualistic struggle between the forces of good and evil. Mithra, who gave to his devotees hope of blessed immortality, represented the fearless antagonist of the powers of darkness." (Free Dictionary)

"Mithra is the Mediator (Mesites) between God and man. This function first arose from the fact that as the light-god he is supposed to float midway between the upper heaven and the earth." (Catholic Encyclopedia)

"In the Avesta Mithra is invoked as the Lord of Heavenly Light. He is the Light, not the Sun; the Sun is his physical vehicle." (Iraj Taraporwala)

"Mithra is ever awake and on the watch. He has a thousand ears and ten thousand eyes. With these he watches over all creatures, hearing all, seeing all. None can deceive him. Hence he is Lord of truth and loyalty. And he is invoked whenever oaths are taken. He guarantees all contracts and promises and punishes all who violate their bond or break their plighted word." (Iraj Taraporwala)

"Being light he also represents heat and life, and so he is called “the Lord of wide pastures” and he is “the Lord of Fecundity”. He giveth increase, he giveth abundance, he giveth herds, he giveth progeny and life. He poureth forth the waters and causeth plants to grow. He bestoweth upon his worshippers health of body, wealth and well-dowered offspring." (Iraj Taraporwala)

"And besides these material comforts he also bestows peace, wisdom and glory. As Lord of Light he is the foe of darkness and of vice and impurity. He leads the hosts of Heaven against the hordes of the Abyss. (Iraj Taraporwala)