Menu A Mitrakana Resolution 4018.10


Mitrakana or Festival of Mithra is celebrated in late September or early October. Some suggest celebrating it on the autumn equinox, however October 2nd is the most usual date for Iranian Zoroastrians, and a good alternative I think.

How about making a 'Mitrakana Resolution'?

Ask yourself:

"What can I do to help make the world a better place during the coming 12 months?"

"How could I do my bit to help the Mithraic movement grow, and be more faithfully aligned with the wishes of the Divine Mithra?"

If you have an idea then make a resolution on Mitrakana Day to take steps to put it into practice.

If your mind is blank then how about resolving to learn more about Mithraism and what Mithra calls you to do?

October 4018