Menu Western Mithraic Trinity 4019.06

(A new proposal for a Western Mithraic trinity.)

Deuspater is God the Father, the Heavenly Father, the Sky Father. Deuspater is the transcendent, unchanging source of existence and life. Deuspater has three aspects which are:
i) AEON - Aeon is time, the period of time in which all life has its existence. Associated with Aeon is also space and matter.
ii) HELIUS - is the divine Sun, the source of cosmic energy. Helius shines on both the spiritual and mental realms to stir it into motion and vibration.
iii) PLEROMA - is the totality of the powers of God. It is the full capability of God, existing as potential in a heavenly realm.

The second member of the trinity is SOPHIA.
Lady Sophia is Lady Wisdom. She is the wisdom-power behind all creation, the one who births everything into existence.
Sophia herself was born with the beginning of the universe and the first movement of the life-spirit. It is Sophia who created the first living cells, and who guided the evolution of higher plants and animals. Sophia is the wisdom-capability that enables Life to grasp the nature of its world and strive with success for embodiment, expansion and exuberance.

The third member of the trinity is MITHRAS
Mithras is the Good Lord , and represents the highest capability of the human mind to produce the Good. Mithras works to create ARTA - the harmonious and flourishing world order.
Whereas Sophia is indiscriminate in her creating, Mithras discriminates between the good and bad behaviour of the creatures Sophia has created. Mithras is concerned with the whole picture of communal life and the interrelation of different beings. Mithras guides individuals to the better path for the good of the whole and fights against the evil supernatural beings.

Marcus Zartianus, June 4019/2019