Menu Sophia 4019.08

Sophia herself was born with the beginning of the universe and the first movement of the life-spirit. It is Sophia who created the first living cells, and who guided the evolution of higher plants and animals. Sophia is the wisdom-capability that enables Life to grasp the nature of its world and strive with success for embodiment, expansion and exuberance.


In Zartochrestianism Sophia or Wisdom is a personification of Mazda the second aspect of Ashura-Mazda. We try and make sense of Sophia using both the Zoroastrian tradition and the Christian gnostic texts.

As I understand it Sophia is the Wise Creative Power. However I don't think it makes sense to visualize her as some single all-wise empress ruling over the world. Rather She is like a Sea that washes into different landscapes, and is shaped by those landscapes.

Wherever there is life then there is Sophia. All living beings require a wise strategy to make the best of the situation they face if they are to stay alive. Thus wisdom is intrinsic to life. However this wisdom is developed in specific contexts - the life situation of different species of creatures. There is not one fully integrated Wisdom that works to guide all creatures. Rather Wisdom is split up into different niches. In a way Wisdom can be ignorant! Wisdom finds the best path in a particular situation, but it may ignore what is outside that situation. Sophia can trapped by the archons - solving the problems of life within the walls that the archons have built. However this may not result in the overall flourishing of the world. For wisdom developed in one enclosure may be counteracted by that developed in the neighbouring enclosure. This is why Sophia needs to partner with Ashura (or in other systems Christ) who is the one who takes a more integrated or holistic view of things.

August 2019 - amended Jan 2021