Menu Western Mithraism 4020.04

We believe that Europeans and others of European heritage are facing a crisis and that their present religion or lack of religion is preventing them from properly addressing it.

We don't believe that either mainstream Christianity or traditional paganism alone can provide the religious answer that we need.

Instead we believe that a new European religion can and should be formed under the banner of Mithras.

Mithraism shares origins with the many pagan religious traditions of Europe. It reaches back to ancient Persia where the first stirrings of enlightenment thinking provided the launchpad for European philosophy and post-pagan religious doctrines.

We believe that Mithraism is the historic missing-link between the Christian and pagan traditions, and that today it is the best hope for healing the ancient divide between the pagan and Christian sides of the European soul.

We need to revive Mithraism today, taking inspiration from the past, but creating something new that answers the needs of our future.


Our parent project is currently developing two different varieties of Mithraism - Western Pagan Mithraism and Zoroastrian Christianity (i.e. Western Christian Mithraism). We also support the idea of a modern Eastern (Iranian) Mithraism

This group is used to announce work on Western Pagan Mithraism. As currently envisaged WPM is modelled somewhat on Greco-Roman polytheism with influence from Persia. Gods recommended for worship include Aion, Sophia, Mithras, Anhita, Vaius, Venus, Faber, Hestia and Apollo. Please click on the group photo for more information about this.

In this group we also get posts for related topics such as the Roman Mithraic brotherhoods.

Updated April 2020.

RR - "a man made" religion thus a human genuine search for divinity, not a "God given" religion that in fact is a corrupted tool to oppress humanity.