Menu Four Wisdom Schools 4020.05


Should these be the four officially approved Wisdom Schools for Popular Mithraists? Have I explained them right?

1. ZARTOCHRESTIANISM - a western form of Zoroastrianism influenced by Christianity. Zartochrestianism sees the world as a battleground of Good and Evil forces of roughly equal power, and trains us to support the good side.

2. STOICISM - trains us not to be swayed about by emotions but to look at the world dispassionately. Anciently seen as a good philosophy for leaders.

3. NEOPLATONISM - regards the source of existence as essentially good, and the only thing that is real. Trains us to reconnect with this source so that its energy comes to enliven and beautify the world.

4. NIETZSCHEISM - among other things, takes issue with conventional morality as a slave morality for weak people and argues for a master morality. In my take this school would champion the development of a person's strength, health and capability over that of their moral righteousness. In other words it would focus on pagan virtues rather than christian ones.