Menu Universal Mithraism 4020.06

Supporting the development of Mithraism as a modern cosmopolitan religion.
Our views:

1. Mithra was born as an Iranian deity and a part of the ancient Iranian religious culture.

2. The scriptures and rituals of the Zoroastrians provide us with an invaluable entry into this culture.

3. Mithraism though is not the same as orthodox Zoroastrianism. We might call it unorthodox or heretical Zoroastrianism.

4. The Mithraic brotherhoods of the Roman Empire (and earlier Mithraic brotherhoods in Iranian lands) are a part of the Mithraic tradition, but Mithraism is something broader than these alone.

5. Universal Mithraism aims to be a cosmopolitan religion. Just as citizenship of the ancient Roman empire was not restricted to natives of the city itself, so we believe citizenship of the modern Persian spiritual empire should be open to all who devote themselves to it.

Currently we are not trying to formulate a strict doctrine for Universal Mithraism. However a starting point might be the godly trinity of Zurvan, Mazda and Mithra.

Updated June 2020 CE (4020 HE)