Menu Who is Jesus? 4020.08

Some think that John the Baptist should be seen as the founder of Christianity. Such suggestions are interesting, but Zoroaster is greater than John the Baptist. So do we need John the Baptist in Zoroastrian Christianity?

Zoroaster could be thought of as the Christ, but he can also be thought of as the teacher of the Christ like John the Baptist.

However we don't accept that the historical man Jesus is uniquely the Christ.

There are different options as to how Zorochristians can treat Jesus:
1. As a man who represented/incarnated Christ in a particular time in history.
2. As an eternal divine being not tied to a particular point in history - so Jesus becomes another name for Chrestus or the divine Christ.
3. As a saint who is some people's favourite saint, but who is not necessarily that important to us.

August 2020

N.B. Orthodox Zorochristians don't regard the historical Jesus as uniquely the Christ, but they do regard him as the foremost figure who represents the divine Christ. One view is that he was born a human, but due to his righteousness he was adopted as the primary human representative of Agathon on Earth in our Age (as can be seen as he is still has a world-importance 2000 years later). - January 2021